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目的探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术后的屈光稳定性及屈光回退与屈光度的相关性。方法对2002年7月至2005年4月在濮阳市眼科医院近视激光中心行LASIK手术者中25例(36眼)屈光回退者进行随访观察,将所有病例分为3组:Ⅰ组<-6.00D 6眼,占16。7%;Ⅱ组-6.00D~-10.00D18眼,占50%;Ⅲ组>-10.00D12眼,占33.3%,观察各组术后1月、3月、6月、1年的屈光度。结果Ⅰ组术后1月、3月、6月1年的平均等效球镜度为:-0.605、-0.938、-1.313、-1.335;Ⅱ组为-1.014、-1.243、-1.57、-1.848;Ⅲ组为:-1.146、-1.813、-1.938、-2.563.讨论Ⅰ组(中、低度近视)术后6月内屈光回退度数稳定,Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组(高度、超高度近视)术后1年屈光回退仍在继续,对此组患者行二次补矫手术可延长至一年以后,LASIK手术治疗高度近视的长期稳定性尚待提高。 Objective To investigate the refractive stability and the relationship between refractive error and refractive power after laser in situ keratomileusis. Methods From July 2002 to April 2005, 25 cases (36 eyes) of refractive reflexes underwent LASIK surgery in Puyang Eye Hospital. The patients were divided into three groups: group Ⅰ < -6.00D 6 eyes, accounting for 16.7%; Ⅱ group -6.00D ~ -10.00D18 eyes, accounting for 50%; Ⅲ group> -10.00D12 eyes, accounting for 33.3%, observed in each group after January, March, June, 1 year’s refraction. Results The average equivalent spherical scope of group I in January, March and June after operation was -0.605, -0.938, -1.313 and -1.335 respectively. The Ⅱ group was -1.014, -1.243, -1.57 and -1.848 ; Ⅲ group: -1.146, -1.813, -1.938, -2.563. Discussion Ⅰ group (moderate and low myopia) within 6 months after the refractive regression stable, Ⅱ and Ⅲ group (height, ultra-high myopia ) 1 year after surgery, refractive regression continues, for this group of patients with secondary correction surgery can be extended to one year later, the long-term stability of LASIK surgery for treatment of high myopia needs to be improved.
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