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在学习英语的过程中,听、说、读、写四项语言技能都是不可或缺的,是英语学习成功的重要因素。作为四项技能的重要组成部分,写作在英语学习中的地位是毋庸置疑的。它能客观地反映学生多方面的语言运用能力以及用英语表达思想的能力,是学生综合语言运用能力的体现。而且在“新课程”背景下对 In the process of learning English, listening, speaking, reading, and writing four language skills are indispensable and an important factor in the success of English learning. As an important part of the four skills, the position of writing in English learning is beyond doubt. It can objectively reflect the student’s ability to use various aspects of language and the ability to express ideas in English. It is a manifestation of students’ comprehensive language ability. And in the context of the “new course”
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4月21日,联强国际正式公布在大陆引进日本KOHIINSHA全线UMPC产品,主攻上班族、高级玩家、白领以及时尚类人士,为各界人士提供更符合商务、数字 On April 21, Alcoa Internat
材料a clothespin衣夹一个,a rubber band橡皮筋一条,an animal picture动物图片一张。制作过程1.Put a rubber band in the hole of a clothespin.Pull the rubber band,and
1. end  end既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,意为“结束”。end作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作其宾语。例如:  The relationship between us is not so good that I want to end it.   我们之间的关系不太好,以至于我想结束它。
新加坡:把黄连、黄柏、延胡索、附子、川乌等列为有毒药品,凡含有上述中药材的成药,均禁止进口销售。 Singapore: Coptis, Phellodendron, Corydalis, Fuzi, Chuanwu, etc.
There are three bags ofgrain.One is rice,anotheris millet.and the third ismaize. 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
今年1~4月份,享有“皮衣之都”美称的浙江海宁市已向世界10多个国家和地区出口皮革服装45万件,外贸出口额达1.04亿元,比去年同期翻了一番。 From January to April of this