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古人看读书说:“读书百遍,其义自见。”在应试教育的今天,《初中语文新科标准》明确指出:“培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量;鼓励学生学习诵读,在诵读实践中增加积累,发展语感,加深体验和感悟”。课外阅读一直都是语文课程的重要内容之一,是学生进行实践的重要途径。它能够在一定程度上激发学生体现自我的主观能动性,发挥自我的学习自主性和能动性,使阅读过程体现出个性化的学习,从而激发自我学习阅读的创造性,并得到更深层次的阅读理解和精神体验。同时,阅读在考卷上也体现得极为明确,所占分值较高。尽管课外阅读对每一位中学生都如此有益和重要,中学生的课外阅读依旧不是很理想。 The ancients read the book and said: “Reading a hundred times, the meaning of self-seen.” In the exam-oriented education today, “junior high school language standard” clearly states: "to develop students a wide range of reading interests to expand the reading surface, increase reading; Encourage students to learn to recite, to increase the accumulation in the practice of reading, develop language sense, deepen the experience and perception . Extracurricular reading has always been an important part of the Chinese curriculum and an important way for students to practice. To a certain extent, it can arouse students’ subjective initiative of self, exert self-study autonomy and initiative, make the reading process reflect individualized learning, so as to inspire self-learning and creative reading and get deeper reading comprehension and spirit Experience. At the same time, reading also reflected in the examination paper is extremely clear, a higher score. Although extracurricular reading is so beneficial and important to every secondary school student, extracurricular reading by middle school students is still not very satisfactory.
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“家庭政策”这个词出现在我们的文献中是在2 0世纪 70年代的时候。到 90年代 ,俄罗斯的政客和学者们对家庭问题的关注增多 ,这方面的著作也不断涌现。 1 993年 ,俄罗斯联邦
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我们在了解了社区建设的概念、特征和原则后,应进一步了解社区建设的主要内容和社区与其他组织的关系。 一、城市社区建设的内容 就世界范围而言,社区建设的内容复杂多样,成
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