Mapping Detailed Soil Property Using Small Scale Soil Type Maps and Sparse Typical Samples

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaqishi
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Soil type maps at the scale of 1︰1 000 000 are used extensively to provide soil spatial distribution information for soil erosion assessment and watershed management models in China.However,the soil property maps produced through conventional direct linking method usually suffer low accuracy as well as the lack of spatial details within a soil type polygon.This paper presents an effective method to produce detailed soil property map based on representative samples which were extracted from each polygon on the 1︰1000 000 soil type map.The representative sample of each polygon is defined as the location that can represent the largest area within the polygon.The representativeness of a candidate sample is determined by calculating the soil-forming environment condition similarities between the sample and other locations.Once the representative sample of each polygon has been chosen,the property values of the existing typical samples are assigned to the corresponding representative samples with the same soil type.Finally,based on these representative samples,the detailed soil property map could be produced by using existing digital soil mapping methods.The case study in XuanCheng City,Anhui Province of China,demonstrated the proposed method could produce soil property map at a higher level of spatial details and accuracy:1)The soil organic matter(SOM)map produced based on the representative samples can not only depict the detailed spatial distribution of SOM within a soil type polygon but also largely reduce the abrupt change of soil property at the boundaries of two adjacent polygons.2)The Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE)of the SOM map based on the representative samples is1.61,and it is 1.37 for the SOM map produced by using conventional direct linking method.Therefore,the proposed method is an effective approach to produce spatial detailed soil property map with higher accuracy for environment simulation models. Soil type maps at the scale of 1: 000 000 are used extensively to provide soil spatial distribution information for soil erosion assessment and watershed management models in China. However, the soil property maps produced by conventional direct linking method usually suffer low accuracy as well as the lack of spatial details within a soil type polygon. this paper presents an effective method to produce detailed soil property map based on representative samples which were extracted from each polygon on the 1: 1000 000 soil type map. representative sample of each polygon is defined as the location that can represent the largest area within the polygon. The representativeness of a candidate sample is determined by calculating the soil-forming environment condition similarities between the sample and other locations. Where the representative sample of each polygon has been chosen, the property values ​​of the existing typical samples are assigned to the corresponding representative sam ples with the same soil type. Finally, based on these representative samples, the detailed soil property map could be produced by using existing digital soil mapping methods. case study in XuanCheng City, Anhui Province of China, claimed the proposed method could produce soil property map at a higher level of spatial details and accuracy: 1) The soil organic matter (SOM) map produced based on the representative samples can not only depict the detailed spatial distribution of SOM within a soil type polygon but also substantially reduce the abrupt change of soil property at the boundaries of two adjacent polygons. 2) The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the SOM map based on the representative samples is 1.61, and it is 1.37 for the SOM map produced by using conventional direct linking method. Therefore, the proposed method is an effective approach to produce spatial detailed soil property map with higher accuracy for environment simulation models.
1947年2月,华东野战军在山东省发动莱芜战役,一举歼灭国民党嫡系第七十三军和桂系第四十六军等;同时,俘获了以济南战区第二绥靖副司令官李仙洲为首的将军 In February 1947,
20世纪70年代末80年代初,中苏关系曾濒于崩溃的边缘。  1989年5月15日,苏联最高领导人戈尔巴乔夫访问中国,吸引了世界媒体的关注,这标志着中苏之间打破了三十年坚冰。  诚然,就在戈尔巴乔夫访华的背后,却显示着邓小平的极为高超的政治智慧。    邓小平复出以后,毅然调整了中国外交战略,决定向苏联传递信息,争取中苏关系的改善;勃列日涅夫也表示承认中国是社会主义国家    1969年10月20日