
来源 :四川地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tofomy
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2003年12月1日在中国与哈萨克斯坦交界处发生了MS6.1级地震。震前,位于震中西南224 km的新疆 乌什台分量式钻孔应变仪记录到了明显的应变异常信息。经多次落实没有发现干扰,认定为是与地震有关的应 变异常。认为此次异常具有应变性质,呈压性、阶段性、节律性和张、压交替变化的波动性特点。深入分析乌 什台应变异常特征,总结此次地震的预测经验、教训,对以后的地震短临预测有实际意义。 December 1, 2003 at the junction of China and Kazakhstan, MS6.1 earthquake occurred. Before the earthquake, Wushitai component borehole strain gauge, located 224 km southwest of the epicenter, recorded significant strain anomaly information. After many times of implementation, no disturbance was found and it was identified as an earthquake-related strain anomaly. It is considered that this abnormality has the characteristics of contingency and is characterized by the volatility of pressure, stage, rhythmicity and alternation of tension and pressure. In-depth analysis of Wushitai Strain Anomaly characteristics, summed up the prediction experience of the earthquake, lessons learned, practical significance for the future short-term and short-term earthquake prediction.
该文介绍了国家新的《电气制图及图形符号标准汇编》在土耳其卡拉乔伦Ⅱ级电站的应用与实践。 This article introduces the application and practice of the new National
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Two types of granitic intrusives occur in the lower Paleozoic strata in north Qilian. One is the hornblende- bearing granitic body in Jingzichuan, characterized