An algorithm for molecular weight prediction from EI mass spectra

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoliang668
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It is very important to predict the molecular weight of a compound from its EI massspectrum, because molecular weight is one of the most important information for its struc-ture determination. The program for molecular weight prediction is always an importantpart in a structure elucidation system. One cannot directly get the molecular weight fromEI mass spectra in the case of no molecular ions for many compounds, but it is possible tobe predicted in terms of the fragmentation rules. A program for this purpose is the It is very important to predict the molecular weight of a compound from its EI mass spectrometry, because molecular weight is one of the most important information for its structrure determination. The program for molecular weight prediction is always an importantpart in a structure elucidation system. One can not directly get the molecular weight from EI mass spectra in the case of no molecular ions for many compounds, but it is possible to be predicted in terms of the fragmentation rules. A program for this purpose is the
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