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开发区一个普通党群干部的故事,受到各方关注、引起社会共鸣,因为她的故事有着典型示范价值、党建创新价值和精神引领价值。全国“最美基层干部”——上海金桥经济技术开发区综合党委副书记、工会联合会主席吴慧芳同志的先进事迹经媒体宣传、巡回报告后,引起社会热赞。开发区一个普通党群干部的事迹为什么能受到各方关注、引起社会共鸣?我想,是因为吴慧芳同志所做工作的创新意义,是因为吴慧芳同志平凡故事里的感人要素,是因为吴慧芳同志感人事迹背后的精神内涵。 The story of an ordinary party cadre in the development zone has drawn the attention of all parties and has given rise to social resonance because her story has a typical demonstration value and the innovative value and spirit of the party building lead the value. National “Most Beautiful Grassroots Cadres” - Comrades Wu Huifang, deputy secretary of the comprehensive party committee and president of the Federation of Trade Unions in Shanghai Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone, have made great contributions to the society after they were advertised by the media and circulated in the media. Why is the deeds of an ordinary party cadre in the development zone concerned by all parties and arousing social resonance? I think it is because the innovative significance of Comrade Wu Huifang’s work is because of the touching elements in Comrade Wu Huifang’s ordinary stories because of the touching feelings of Comrade Wu Huifang Spiritual meaning behind the story.
To develop an efficient and bio-compatible way to improve the thermal and mechanical properties of addition type liquid silicone rubber(LSR), a series of modifi
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遇到黄灯该不该过?这个问题不仅仅是2013年新交规实施后中国司机面临的新考验,即使在“汽车上的国家”——美国——如何应对黄灯也是一个让司机头疼的两难问题。 Should not