Influence of permeability on hydrothermal circulation in the sediment-buried oceanic crust

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cute_xiaoxiao
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Hydrothermal convection in the upper oceanic crust has been inferred to be a common and important process. Under the simplified conditions of planar boundaries, permeability provides a strong constraint on the pattern of circulation, the dimensions of convective cells and flow field of hydrothermal circulation. By applying an advanced numerical modeling method, to our knowledge, it is the first time to investigate convection as it is influenced by different strata permeability structures, formational anisotropy, fracture zone and cooling intrusion. The simplified geological model is com-posed of 3 layers, sedimentary layer, high permeable basement layer and low permeable basement layer from top to bottom. When permeability in high permeable layer is 10 times larger than that in sedimentary layer, convection occurs in high permeable layer. The pattern of hydrothermal circulation and flow velocity of hydrothermal fluid are strongly influenced by strata permeability structures, changes of permeability in high permeable basement layer, fracture zone and cooling intrusion. However, formational anisotropy relatively exerts weak influence on hydrothermal circulation, with the ratio up to 1.5 of vertical permeability to lateral permeability in high permeable layer. Fracture zone existing in basement is the most important factor affecting the circulation field. The effects of a local intrusion are limited to convection intensity above the intrusion and have little impact on the fluid flow on a regional scale. As the result of numerical modelling, key factors affecting the hydrothermal cir-culation are good permeable zone and long-term heat source, not including fluid source. Hydrothermal convection in the upper oceanic crust has been inferred to be common and important process. Under the simplified conditions of planar boundaries, permeability provides a strong constraint on the pattern of circulation. The dimensions of convective cells and flow field of hydrothermal circulation. applying an advanced numerical modeling method, to our knowledge, it is the first time to investigate convection as it is influenced by different strata permeability structures, formational anisotropy, fracture zone and cooling intrusion. The simplified geological model is com-posed of 3 layers, The permeability of high permeable layer is 10 times larger than that in sedimentary layer, convection occurs in high permeable layer. The pattern of hydrothermal circulation and flow velocity of hydrothermal fluid are strongly influenced by strata permeability structures, changes of permeability in high permeable basement layer, fracture zone and cooling intrusion. However, formational anisotropy relatively exerts weak influence on hydrothermal circulation, with the ratio up to 1.5 of vertical permeability to lateral permeability in high permeable layer. Fracture zone existing in basement is the most important effects affecting a local intrusion are limited to convection intensity above the intrusion and have little impact on the fluid flow on a regional scale. As the result of numerical modeling, key factors affecting the hydrothermal cir-culation are good permeable zone and long-term heat source, not including fluid source.
在我们魏镇这块地方,有一种风俗,要是孩子得了病,连药石和鬼神都失去效验的时候,往往还有最后一个法子,就是认干娘。  干娘也有几种认法,比如认个大姓人家的主妇——这得讲究你情我愿,要是没缘分,也强求不来;也有认井、认床的,这种不需要对方同意,点一炷香,烧一道“表”,趴下去,磕个头,叫一声“干娘”,事就成了,日后逢年过节“孝敬”也简单,就是烧香磕头;还有一种是认一百个干娘……一百个干娘,听起来好像是件
因为疫情的关系,这大半年待在家里可把我憋坏了。  这不,经过短暂的复学后,我们迎来了暑假,又可以出门逛街,去感受一下城市的烟火气啦。  作为一个小吃货,我怎么可能不去尝尝上海特色小吃——南翔小笼包呢?  这天一大早,我就拖着家人急匆匆地来到城隍庙的豫园,去吃心心念念的南翔小笼包。  刚到店门口,我就被这排队的阵势吓了一大跳!队伍蜿蜿蜒蜒绕了好几个圈儿,一眼看不到头。整整排了一个小时,才轮到我们坐进
山,从来就是会说话的。我家附近的西山更是健谈。  晴天,初升的太阳映得山林间一派金光,在天空中取下一张辉煌的剪影。阴天,这剪影变成乌黑色。云低下来,在左倾右倒的山中游弋。山,告诉我们雨的到来。不一会儿,雨如期而至,射向山林间的雨点,被愤怒的山丘蒸回天空。山,用风呼喊着对雨发出最后的警告。  住在山脚下,每一座山说出的每一个字,我都会悉听。  虫与鸟经常自愿充当山的喉舌。不得不说,大山的心思格外多,