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故宫博物院是我国著名的明清宫廷史迹及古代文化艺术博物馆,专事保护管理北京明清两代皇宫的历史文物、档案资料、宫殿建筑及我国古代的艺术珍品,并进行整理研究.陈列展出。另外,并设有绘画、青铜器、陶瓷、明清工艺美术、珍宝、钟表等专馆。故宫古称紫禁城,是明清两代的皇宫。明永乐4年(1406)始建,永乐18年基本建成,占地72万多平方米,屋宇9000余间,建筑面积约15万平方米,是我国现存最大、最完整的古建筑群。故宫博物院1925年10月10日成立,收藏了90多万件珍贵文物,集中反映了中华民族悠久的文化艺术。我国邮电部于1985年10月10日发行了《故宫博物院建院六十周年》纪念邮票(T120),一套4枚(见图)。这套邮票充分体现了故宫建筑气势雄伟,豪华壮丽,是我国古代建筑艺术的精华。4—1是丹阙凌云,画面为午门、金水桥、太和门。4—2是太和晴旭,画面为巍然屹立在汉白玉雕砌的三重台基上的三大殿太和殿、中和殿、保和殿。4—3是乾坤交泰,画面为内廷的乾清宫、坤宁宫、交泰殿。4—4是琼苑春晖,画面为紫禁城北端的御花园。 The Palace Museum is the famous Ming and Qing court monuments and ancient culture and art museum in China, specializing in the protection and management of the Ming and Qing dynasties of Beijing Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties historical relics, archives, palace architecture and ancient Chinese art treasures, and finishing research. . In addition, there are paintings, bronzes, ceramics, Ming and Qing crafts, jewelery, clocks and other museums. Ancient Forbidden City Palace, is the Ming and Qing dynasties palace. Ming Yongle was built in 4 years (1406) and was basically completed in 18 years. It covers an area of ​​more than 720,000 square meters. There are more than 9,000 houses and a building area of ​​about 150,000 square meters. It is the largest and most complete ancient buildings in China. The National Palace Museum was established on October 10, 1925, collecting more than 900,000 precious relics and concentrating on the long history of Chinese culture and arts. On October 10, 1985, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of our country issued the commemorative stamp (T120), a set of 4 (see photo) for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the National Palace Museum. This set of stamps fully reflects the magnificent Forbidden City building, luxurious and magnificent, is the essence of our ancient architectural art. 4-1 is Dan Que Lingyun, the picture is the Meridian Gate, Jinshui Bridge, Taihe Gate. 4-2 is too Haruka Asahi, the screen is standing firmly in the white marble carved triple base on the three hall Taihe Hall, and Hall, Paul and Hall. 4-3 is heaven and earth, the picture is the inner court of the Qing Imperial Palace, Kunning Palace, Temple of peace. 4-4 is Qiong Yuan Chun Hui, the screen for the Forbidden City north of the Imperial Garden.
山东泰安读者李某来信说:B超检查患宫颈Ⅲ°糜烂,服用玉清抗宫炎片(中成药),同时用“艾利克”聚维酮碘溶液进行阴道冲洗。治疗期间经检查怀孕。请问宫颈糜 Tai’an, Shando
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剖宫产术是解决难产的一种方法,是一种大手术,对人体各系统的功能活动都有影响。合理调理剖宫产妇女的饮食,对其尽快地恢复健康,有着重大意义。 1 剖宫产术前不宜滥服高档滋