Research on no Dig Directional Drilling Pipeline Laying Technique —The reseach on directional drill

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The directional crossing drilling works were applied in the West East gas pipeline (WEGTP) project. The main researchs on the directional crossing drilling include:(1)to analyze the forces applied on the drilling tool and the failure mechanism in order to obtain the proper configuration of the drilling tool and solve the failure prevention;(2)to analyze the existing mud, to propose a viable mud composition;(3)in respect of mud mixing and environmental protection, to develop a quick cycloning mud hydration and recycling device;(4)to develop a interface picture software for direction controlling measured parameter to improve directional drilling accuracy; (5) to develop an electronic search software incorporating large amount of construction specifications and mud compositions, used for construction. In this paper the first one of the above mentioned points is introduced, including existing problems with directional drilling, optimization of the drilling tool, analysis of drill collar fracture failure, research on stress scattering structure of drilling tool thread and thread sticking prevention measures, etc. The directional crossing drilling works were applied in the West East gas pipeline (WEGTP) project. The main researchs on the directional crossing drilling include: (1) to analyze the forces applied on the drilling tool and the failure mechanism in order to obtain the proper configuration of the drilling tool and solve the failure prevention; (2) to analyze the existing mud, to propose a viable mud composition; (3) in respect of mud mixing and environmental protection, to develop a quick cycloning mud hydration and recycling device; (4) to develop a interface picture software for direction controlling measured parameter to improve directional drilling accuracy; (5) to develop an electronic search software incorporating large amount of construction specifications and mud compositions, used for construction. In this paper the first one of the above mentioned points is introduced, including existing problems with directional drilling, optimization of the drilling tool, analysis of drill colla r fracture failure, research on stress scattering structure of drilling tool thread and thread sticking prevention measures, etc.
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