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2003年1月9日,最高人民法院颁布了《关于审理证券市场因虚假陈述引发的民事赔偿案件的若干规定》,不仅为人民法院审理虚假陈述证券民事赔偿案件提供具体司法依据、对证券市场稳步和健康发展将产生重大影响,而且对证券市场侵权民事责任制度的建立和完善起到重大作用。我刊为此在上期特约最高人民法院民二庭贾纬法官以《证券市场侵权民事责任之发轫》为题,对该司法解释的相关内容作了详细的解析。本期我们特别刊发一组文章,以使读者进一步了解《规定》的主要内容以及目前国内外在规范证券市场方面的相关规定和制度,也欢迎广大读者就相关问题提出自己的真知灼见。 On January 9, 2003, the Supreme People’s Court promulgated the “Several Provisions Concerning the Trial of Civil Compensation Cases Caused by False Statements in the Stock Market”, which not only provided specific judicial bases for the people’s courts to handle cases of civil compensation for misrepresentation of securities, but also steadied the securities market And healthy development will have a significant impact, but also play an important role in the establishment and improvement of the civil liability system for the securities market infringement. For this purpose, we published a detailed analysis on the relevant contents of this judicial interpretation in the title of Judge Weijia Min Weijin of the Supreme Court of the People’s Republic of China in the last issue entitled “The Issue of Civil Liability for Securities Market Infringement”. In this issue, we specially published a series of articles to make the readers further understand the main contents of the “Regulations” as well as the relevant provisions and systems in the domestic and foreign markets for regulating the securities market. We also welcome readers to come up with their own opinions on relevant issues.
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