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1临床资料患者女性,35岁。因左侧胸部疼痛2年伴气促一年余于1997年8月21日入院。患者于1995年8月始逐渐出现左侧胸痛,咳嗽,咳少量白痰,于当地医院对症处理,效果不佳。1996年4月上述症状加重,并出现气促,当地医院摄胸片示“左侧胸腔积液”,给... 1 Clinical data Patient female, 35 years old. 2 years of chest pain due to left side with more than one year of relief was admitted to hospital on August 21, 1997. Patients gradually began in August 1995 left chest pain, cough, cough and a small amount of sputum, symptomatic treatment in the local hospital, the effect is not good. April 1996, the above symptoms worsened, and there was shortness of breath, the local hospital chest radiograph showed “left pleural effusion” to ...
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