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1991年9月4日,在日本东京召开了名为“环太平洋地区的电子情报:挑战与使命”的国际讨论会,笔者有幸作为中国的代表出席了会议。这里就会议的背景、概况及会议发言的主要内容向国内读者作一概略的介绍,并谈几点个人的感想和建议。一、会议的背景和概况八十年代以来,亚太地区的经济取得了举世瞩目的进展,在此区域内的各国(地区)同时 On September 4, 1991, an international symposium entitled “Electronic Information in the Pacific Rim: Challenges and Missions” was held in Tokyo, Japan. I was fortunate to attend the conference as a representative of China. Here’s the background of the meeting, overview and the main content of the meeting to domestic readers to make a rough introduction, and talk a few personal feelings and suggestions. I. Background and Overview of the Conference Since the 1980s, the economies of the Asia-Pacific region have made remarkable progress. At the same time, all countries (regions) in the region
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