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上帝和狗喜爱狗儿,似乎是英国人的民族特性之一;数年前英国流行着这样一则笑话——史密斯太太不理会女儿跟哪个男孩子睡觉,但对于她的爱犬跟哪只雄犬发生关系,却十分认真。 The love of dogs and dogs by God and dogs seems to be one of the national characteristics of the British people; a joke was popular in Britain a few years ago. Mrs. Smith ignored the boy and her daughter to sleep, but for her dog and which dog It is a serious relationship.
新闻上说某屌丝男开车故意追尾宝马,终与美女车主成情侣。后来,我也试了一次,结果被抓起来了。因为我开的是重型卡车,那女的到现在还没醒过来。 News that a reluctant to d
前年春至去年初,由联合国教科文安排,我在英国主要的理科课程发展的教学研究中心——伦敦大学查尔斯学院数理教育中心(The Centre for Science Math Education)进修,与此同
Smoking is widely used in fish processing for the color and flavor. Smoke flavorings have evolved as a successful alternative to traditional smoking. The hazard
一、教学目的 1、使学生了解南亚的位置和范围,地形和河流等基本特征 2、了解南亚三种气候的特征、成因和分布,特别是西南季风的成因,从而使学生对热带季风气候有一个完整正
Allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) is a cytoplasmic calcium-binding protein involved in inflammatory response-related diseases in mammals. Previously an id
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The unicellular green alga Dunaliella is outstanding for its ability of massive accumulation of carotenoids. To elucidate the carotenoids synthesis pathway in t
Plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) plays a critical role in transporting Ca2+ out of the cy-tosol across the plasma membrane which is essential both in keepi