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现在一些高中女生,受社会物欲思想影响,学习兴趣不高,物质攀比严重,精神世界空虚。结合现实走进女生的心灵深处,重树高中女生自立自强意识。 Nowadays, some high school girls are influenced by the materialistic thoughts of society, with low interest in learning, serious material comparisons and empty spiritual world. Into the girls with the reality of the depths of the soul, re-tree high school girls self-reliance consciousness.
介绍一种用Photoshop 6软件对信息处理类稿件中的屏幕图像进行保存和处理的方法,这种方法无需对屏幕图像进行扫描,使之直接生成方正排版系统可插入的图形文件,实现图文混排。
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