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锦屏是贵州省的重点林业县之一,回顾从土地改革至今,林业改革进行过多次,但都未很好触及林业管理体制这个深层次问题。新一轮林权改革,虽取得了成效,但尚不理想。提出历史上村级林业契约管理经验,结合现行法律的村民自治,放林业管理权于村级,还经营自主权于林农,有助于破林业管理体制的难题,进一步解放林业生产力,让山区更绿,林农更富,为现代林业夯实基础。 Jinping is one of the key forestry counties in Guizhou Province. Recalling from the land reform so far, the forestry reform has been conducted many times, but none of them touched the deep-seated problems of the forestry management system. Although a new round of forest tenure reform has achieved results, it is not yet satisfactory. Put forward the history of the village-level forestry contract management experience, combined with the current law of the villagers autonomy, put forestry management at the village level, but also operate autonomy in the forest farmers, help break the forestry management system, and further liberate the productivity of the forestry so that more mountainous areas Green, forest farmers are richer, solid foundation for modern forestry.
基底动脉干动脉瘤相对少见 ,约占动脉瘤的 0 8%。虽然应用电解可脱钢圈 (GDC)已成功治疗许多大小形态和位置不同的动脉瘤 ,据报道 ,仅少数伴有蛛网膜下出血的基底干动脉瘤得到
The mafic dykes are composed of a series of northwest-trending diabase in Kuokesu of the Kuruktag region, Xinjiang. Four whole-rock samples of the mafic dykes
利用台网测震观测资料集中的优势,通过一些震例,探讨了对震级偏小、震相清晰度差的地震,利用 Sg 波到时,求出震中距,解决定位的方法。 Based on the advantages of the seismic dat
根据现在钻孔的温度,应用多参数估计技术(FPE)可以推测出过去地表气温变化的信息。综合实验表明,在一定的噪声范围内,FPE 技术可以从钻孔温度记录中分离出几个世纪以来地表气
The fluid compositions of Cenozoic alkali basalts in eastern China have been determined by the pyrolysis MS method, meanwhile the carbon and oxygen isotopic co