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为了查明多乳头湖羊(Ovis aries)(实验组)乳腺组织结构和胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ受体(insulin-like growth factor-I receptor,IGF-IR)水平是否与两乳头湖羊(对照组)有差异、是否有可能具有更高的泌乳性能,本研究分别采集了两组湖羊育成期、妊娠期、泌乳期和空怀期的乳腺组织样品,HE染色(hematoxylineosin staining)后观察乳腺组织的形态学变化;q RT-PCR检测乳腺组织的IGF-IR在不同生理阶段的m RNA表达水平;免疫组织化学法(immunohistochemistry,IHC)检测激素受体蛋白在乳腺组织的分布情况;Western blot法检测激素受体蛋白表达水平。结果表明,育成期,两组湖羊乳腺间质增长较快,腺体中含有大量的结缔组织和脂肪组织,且实验组湖羊乳腺导管数量比对照组羊较密集;妊娠期,大量的小叶腺泡发育完全,腺泡腔中充满分泌物,腺泡数量多于对照组;泌乳期,两组湖羊乳腺腺泡体积增大,腺泡大小、形状不一,腺泡腔中含有丰富的乳汁;断奶后,两组湖羊乳腺腺泡逐渐塌陷,形态结构发生变化。从育成期到泌乳期,两组乳腺组织中的IGF-IR m RNA表达量和蛋白分布量逐渐增加,而对照组乳腺组织中的IGF-IR m RNA表达量从育成期到妊娠期逐渐增加,泌乳期较妊娠期稍有下调;断奶后,m RNA表达量和蛋白分布量均低于泌乳期。整个生理发育过程中,IGF-IR蛋白主要分布在两组湖羊的乳腺上皮细胞和结缔组织中。湖羊乳腺组织的IGF-IR蛋白表达水平变化趋势与m RNA表达量相一致。综上,多乳头湖羊不仅乳腺组织较发达,而且与乳腺发育相关的激素受体基因转录水平和蛋白质表达量均较高。本研究结果为培育高产湖羊品种提供理论支撑。 In order to find out whether mammary gland tissue structure and insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) levels in Ovis aries (experimental group) ) Were different, whether it is possible to have higher lactation performance, the study collected two groups of Hu sheep breeding period, pregnancy, lactation and empty stage of breast tissue samples, HE staining (hematoxylineosin staining) after the observation of breast tissue Morphological changes were detected by q RT-PCR. The mRNA expression of IGF-IR in different physiological stages was detected by RT-PCR. The distribution of hormone receptor protein in breast tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) Hormone receptor protein expression levels. The results showed that the mammary gland stromal growth of the two groups was rapid, the gland contained a large amount of connective tissue and adipose tissue, and the number of mammary duct in the experimental group was more intensive than that in the control group. In pregnancy, a large number of small lobules Acinar development is complete, the acinar cavity is full of secretions, the number of acinar more than the control group; lactation, the two groups of mammary gland acinar volume increased, acinar size, shape, alveolar cavity is rich in Milk; after weaning, the two groups of mammary gland acinar gradually collapsed, the morphological changes. From the period of fertility to lactation, IGF-IR m RNA expression and protein distribution gradually increased in both groups, while the expression of IGF-IR m RNA in control group increased gradually from the period of fertilization to gestation, Lactation period slightly lower than during pregnancy; after weaning, m RNA expression and protein distribution were lower than the lactating period. During the whole process of physiological development, IGF-IR protein mainly distributed in breast epithelial cells and connective tissue in two groups of Hu sheep. The trend of expression level of IGF-IR protein in goat mammary gland tissues was consistent with that of m RNA. In summary, many Nihuo Hu sheep breast tissue is not only more developed, but also with the development of mammary gland hormone receptor gene transcription level and protein expression were higher. The results of this study provide theoretical support for breeding high-yielding Hu sheep breeds.
不同的标点符号表示不同的句子结构,代表着不同的句子关系。因此标点符号在解题中发挥重要作用。很多考题被做错全是标点惹的祸,所以我们说,小标点,大问题。第一组:(1)The bo
2003年9月5日,来自山东省新泰市及周边县市区的320名贫困家庭学生在新泰市职业中专举行“扶贫助学”班开学典礼,圆了自己的求学梦。 新学期开始,一种令贫困家庭家长和学生欢
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【摘要】信息技术为中学英语提供了全新的教学方式,它创造轻松,活泼,充满个性化的语言学习环境;它能激发学生的学习兴趣,诱发学生的学习动机,使抽象、枯燥的学习内容转化为形象、有趣、可视、可听的内容;它使学生在课堂上保持一种兴奋,愉悦,渴求的心理状态,从而提高他们的学习效果;它为英语教学创设了良好的环境,是英语教师的得力助手。  【关键词】英语学习环境 英语课堂气氛 教学情景 教学模式  【中图分类号】