同样的故障征兆 不同的故障原因

来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuyi_wenzhou
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贵刊今年第4期第21页刊载的《同样的故障原因,不同的故障征兆》一文,阅后颇有同感、应该说,这种现象在进口车维修中,具有一定的普遍性。究其原因,是因为各大汽车公司在设计制造中,有各自的理论、思想,甚至习惯,导致它们的汽车产品中的ECU可以根据从不同的部件获取的信号来调整、控制车辆,达到同样的目的。例如前文提到的空气流量传感器(MAF)和进气歧管压力传感器(MAP),美国车系多以MAP信号作为进气量参考,日本车系多以MAF信号作为进气量参考。原因是美国电子工业发达,ECU做得精确、紧凑;而日本车系在真空控制上有独到之处,配合 The fourth issue of this year, No. 4, page 21, “the same cause of the malfunction, different symptoms of failure,” a text, quite agree after reading, it should be said that this phenomenon in the maintenance of imported vehicles, has a certain degree of universality. The reason is that the major car companies in the design and manufacture, have their own theories, ideas, and even habits, resulting in their car products in the ECU can be obtained from different components to adjust the signal to control the vehicle to achieve the same the goal of. For example, the aforementioned air flow sensor (MAF) and intake manifold pressure sensor (MAP), the United States more cars to MAP signal as the intake air volume reference, the Japanese cars more with MAF signal as the intake air volume reference. The reason is the United States electronics industry developed, ECU done accurate and compact; and Japanese cars in the vacuum control has a unique, with
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