
来源 :国外航天运载与导弹技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:voyager4032
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1982年11月,航天飞机进行了第五次飞行,这一次也是“哥伦比亚号”轨道器作首次商用任务飞行。在这次和前4次飞行试验中,火箭研究公司的单组元推进剂肼类燃料燃气发生器已成功地用来为辅助动力装置提供燃气。辅助动力装置利用燃气来驱动轨道器和固体助推器上的液压泵。本文概述了然气发生器在航天飞机任务中的应用、性能及技术要求,井就其工作时间、推进剂流量、起动和脉冲等方面实际性能作了简单介绍。一些燃气发生器已经受了曾经设想到的更为恶劣的环境条件。由于执行这五次飞行任务,燃气发生器已做过二次未预定修复工作,包括更换加热器和替换一个其催化剂床被污染了的燃气发生器。本文中还讨论了单组元推进剂燃气发生器首次成功地应用到多次飞行任务,包括经修复后能再次提供飞行使用的情况。 In November 1982, the shuttle carried out its fifth flight, this time also being the first commercial mission flight of the “Columbia” orbiter. In this and the first four flight tests, Rocket Research’s single-unit propellant hydrazine fuel gas generator has been successfully used to provide gas for auxiliary power units. The auxiliary power unit uses gas to drive the hydraulic pump on the tracker and solid booster. This article summarizes the application, performance and technical requirements of natural gas generators in space shuttle missions and gives a brief introduction of their actual performance in terms of working hours, propellant flow, starting and pulsing. Some gas generators have suffered the worst environmental conditions ever envisaged. As a result of these five missions, the gas generator has made two unscheduled repairs, including replacing the heater and replacing a gas generator whose catalyst bed is contaminated. This article also discusses the first successful application of a single component propellant gas generator to multiple missions, including the possibility of using the gas again after repair.
中国特种飞行器总体技术设计部正式成立并公布研发规划。从研发方案来看,各类新式特种飞行器将集美俄技术之精华,对中国民用航空工业具有重要意义。    载人飞艇  “千人”载荷超美俄    美国和俄罗斯目前都在研发载人飞艇,而且都致力于追求“巨型化”设计。美国世界航空公司正在研发的巨型飞艇,仓内区域长64米,宽30米,面积比半个标准足球场还大。用美国专家的话说,飞艇内部有足够空间安装配套设备,可供100
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