Acid suppressive therapy improved symptoms due to circumferential cervical inlet patch with proton p

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdxswdxs
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Cervical inlet patch(CIP), also referred to as esophageal heterotopic gastric mucosa, is regarded as the residue of columnar epithelium of the embryonic esophagus. Narrow band imaging increases the detection rate of CIP. Herein, we present a 55-year-old man with symptomatic circumferential inlet patch. He exhibited globus and dysphagia, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy found cir-cumferential CIP, where im-munohistochemistry revealed the existence of pro-ton pumps(H~+, K~+ -ATPase). His throat symptoms were relieved by acid suppressive therapy with pump inhibitors. This case indicated that CIP should be considered as a differential diagnosis for the cause of globus symptoms in rare cases. Cervical inlet patch (CIP), also referred to as esophageal heterotopic gastric mucosa, is considered as the residue of columnar epithelium of the embryonic esophagus. Narrow band imaging increases the detection rate of CIP. Herein, we present a 55-year-old man He had globus and dysphagia, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy found cir-cumferential CIP, where im-munohistochemistry revealed the existence of pro-ton pumps (H ~ +, K ~ + -ATPase) acid suppressive therapy with pump inhibitors. This case indicated that CIP should be considered as a differential diagnosis for the cause of globus symptoms in rare cases.
一 艺术标准的两难与艺术标准的确立 艺术应不应该、能不能够有一个标准?这一直是美学、文艺学和艺术学上的一个难题。认真说来,艺术作为艺术是不可比的,就像人格作为人格都
没有硝烟弥漫、没有刀光剑影、没有尸横遍野、更没有血流成河。 但一样地有胜利与失败、有战略与战术、有智慧与胆量、有计谋与韬略。 一样的,只有一个真理:胜利即成功,绝对
本文报道了使用两种不同漂白光源时,Poly3BCMU 薄膜的光漂白过程,并建立了描述漂白过程的理论模型最后讨论了采用光漂白方法制备导波微光学元件的可能性 This paper reports the ph