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合同环境服务作为政府购买公共服务的一种具体表现,在新余试点过程中取得了一定的成效,改善了环境质量、降低了政府治理成本、提高了服务效率与水平。但基于公共服务自身的公共性与公益性特征,单纯依靠企业承载公共服务显然并不持久,其营利要求势必与公共服务“公益性”导致的微利或无利相冲突。但在当前社会组织先天不足、后天发育不良的背景下,必须在认清公共服务“公共性”和“公益性”基础上,合理设计公共服务购买分类目录,逐步加大社会组织的培育力度,完善政府购买公共服务的监管机制与体制。 As a concrete manifestation of the government purchasing public service, the contractual environmental service has achieved certain results during the pilot project of Xinyu, improves the environmental quality, reduces the government administration cost and improves the service efficiency and level. However, based on the public service and public service characteristics of public service, the reliance on enterprises to carry public service is obviously not lasting, and its profit-making demand is bound to conflict with the meager profit or no profit caused by public service “public service ”. However, under the background of congenitally deficient and undeveloped social organization at the present time, we must, on the basis of recognizing the public service “publicity ” and “commonweal ”, rationally design public services to purchase taxonomies and gradually increase social organizations Foster efforts to improve the government procurement of public services supervision mechanism and system.
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