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目的:观察孕期TORCH(弓形虫、风疹病毒、巨细胞病毒、单纯疱疹病毒,其他病原体)感染治疗与未治疗对围产儿的影响。方法:用ELISA方法检查TORCH抗体,筛查出阳性血清孕妇。分治疗与非治疗两组,分别于分娩时观察新生儿体重,有无畸形以及留脐带血查相应抗体,两组进行比较。结果:TOX和HSV感染,治疗组与非治疗组垂直传播差异有统计学意义,早产、畸形地、围产儿死亡及新生儿体重两组比较均有统计学意义。结论:早、中孕发现孕妇有TORCH感染有治疗的必要。 Objective: To observe the effects of TORCH infection (Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella virus, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus and other pathogens) during pregnancy on perinatal children with and without treatment. Methods: TORCH antibody was detected by ELISA and positive serum was screened out. The two groups were divided into treatment and non-treatment groups. The body weight, presence or absence of deformity and corresponding umbilical cord blood antibody were observed during childbirth. The two groups were compared. Results: There was significant difference between TOX and HSV infection in vertical transmission in treatment group and non-treatment group. Premature birth, deformity, perinatal mortality and neonatal weight were statistically significant between the two groups. Conclusion: It is necessary to treat TORCH infection in pregnant women in early pregnancy and second trimester.
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微循环与高原水肿[英]/UedaG……//JSportsMed.1992,13(Suppl1).S52-S54.一切细胞都受信息过程和能量分配系统的调节,前者由神经系统组成,而后者由呼吸循环系统组成。我们用兔子耳朵血管,对冷性反应过程的节律改变和趋势... M