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目的:为了探知向肝细胞癌供血与不供血的肝动脉分支间的血液动力学差异,对该两类动脉的速率波形作了比较。方法:利用双联彩色多普勒超声检查了38例单个肝叶内有肝细胞癌的患者和34例慢性肝病但无肝细胞癌的患者(对照者)。沿着右前段肝门分支和左侧肝门静脉垂直段测量了彩色编码的肝动脉校正角的收缩速率峰值与搏动指数。结果:对照组测试的动脉分支间的收缩速率峰值与搏动指数均无显著性差异,相反地,在肝细胞癌(直径≤3cm)患者中,向肿瘤供血的动脉分支搏动指数显著低于不向肿瘤供血的动脉分支。而收缩速率峰值却显著高于后者(P<0.05)。这些血液动力学改变的程度与肿瘤的大小及大的肝门动脉分支中有无瘤栓的存在有关。结果:这些结果表明,向肝细胞癌供血的肝动脉分支阻力低于不向肿瘤供血的分支。 OBJECTIVE: To determine the hemodynamic differences between hepatic arterial blood supply and non-blood supply hepatic artery branches, the rate waveforms of the two types of arteries were compared. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in a single liver lobe and 34 patients with chronic liver disease but no hepatocellular carcinoma (control) were examined using duplex color Doppler ultrasound. The peak value of the contraction rate and the pulsatility index of the color-coded hepatic artery correction angle were measured along the right anterior segment of the hilar and the vertical segment of the left hepatic portal vein. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the peak contraction rate between the arterial branches measured by the control group and the pulsatility index. Conversely, in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (diameter ≤ 3 cm), the pulse index of the arterial branches supplying tumors was significantly lower than that of the pulsatility index. The arterial branch of the blood supply to the tumor. The peak contraction rate was significantly higher than the latter (P < 0.05). The extent of these hemodynamic changes is related to the size of the tumor and the presence of a tumor thrombus in the large hepatic portal artery branch. RESULTS: These results indicate that the hepatic artery branching resistance to hepatocellular carcinoma is less than that of the branch that does not provide blood to the tumor.
美国Martin工程采用了一种新型的清扫输送机胶带上干物料的回转清扫刷。这种转 Martin Engineering of the United States used a new type of sweeping conveyor belt swe
人员事故的风险、财产损失、环境危害是工业过程固有的。自动化工程中安全的重要性正在不断稳步增长,PROFIsafe能够满足相关的需求。PROFIsafe独立的通信方式,提供 The risk
据《中华结核和呼吸杂志》1997年12月20卷第[6]期报道 中山医科大学王国丽等,为了解非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)组织中nm23-H_1基因的存在状况及其转录、表达水平,分析肺癌恶性转移