On the“Silk Road Economic Belt”Brand Integration Media Molding and Integrated Communication Strategy

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  【Abstract】Creating the“Silk Road Economic Belt”brand is an effective measure for radio and television stations to seize the development opportunities of the times. Taking the Silk Road as the focus,creating cross-cultural programs and establishing the “Silk Road Economic Belt” brand will help integrate media resources.Radio and television can produce new programs through micro-films or self-media platforms for the construction of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”, and select the theme of the program with cross-cultural communication as the core to further increase the attractiveness of the program and better spread Chinese culture. So that the audience can feel the cultural, economic and technical exchanges brought about by the development of the Silk Road, and let the audience get a visual and auditory experience.
  【Key words】Media Convergence; Cross-cultural communication; Cross-cultural programs
  【作者簡介】Yang Zhu(1988.09-), Male, Han, Huaibei of Anhui, Master, 2018 Nankai University Student in International Economics and Trade. Research Fields: Cross-Cultural Programs, Nankai University.
  1. Opportunities and Challenges in Brand Building the “Silk Road Economic Belt”
  The economic and trade exchanges brought by the Silk Road can not only enhance China’s international status, but also promote the development of various industries in China. The media industry should seize the opportunities created by the Silk Road Economic Belt, create a Silk Road all-media service cooperation platform, and be responsible for cross-cultural and cross-regional content exchange in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt to expand the space for dissemination. Establish the “Silk Road Economic Belt” brand, re-examine the Silk Road, integrate marketing and communication resources, and create a brand personality belonging to the media industry, so as to accelerate the development of traditional media such as radio and television in the era of media integration, and create new cross-cultural programs , Serving the economic construction of the Silk Road.
  In the branding of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”, the media industry can create cross-cultural programs through the Silk Road’s economic and cultural exchange needs, which can further expand the media space and expand the audience of programs. However, the media industry must also establish a broadcasting all-media system for the “Silk Road Economic Belt” in order to meet the basic requirements of brand building, and to overcome language, cultural, and technical difficulties, and strive to bring programs to other countries to facilitate silk Listeners from countries along the road can listen to and watch radio programs with Chinese cultural characteristics, and realize cross-cultural and cross-language transmission.   2. “Silk Road Economic Belt” Brand Integration Media Molding and Integrated Communication Strategy
  Historically,the Silk Road connected Muslim culture and promoted the exchange of Chinese culture with foreign cultures. At present, the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt has shifted from cultural exchanges to diversified exchanges in economics, technology, culture and education, giving play to the role of exchange and integration of the Silk Road.
  First, promote all-media cooperation with Silk Road countries. China’s media industry should actively engage with the radio and television platforms of the Silk Road countries, jointly create a media integration platform and achieve content exchanges, with cross-cultural and cross-language communication as the core, strive to expand programs, and strengthen the interaction between Chinese media and peripheral countries . In terms of content, as the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt has attracted global attention, the attention of various types of news in the region has gradually increased, and there is a large space for cooperation in terms of news content. In addition to the news content, it is also necessary to promote the exchange and interaction between national cultures and the countries along the route, and strengthen interaction with the countries along the route. Intercultural programs can take advantage of the differences in festival culture, folk customs, and lifestyle between China and the countries along the route Starting from the source, we will create a comprehensive section program that integrates news, special topics and literary programs, introduce domestic and foreign audiences to cultural differences, and focus on promoting the changes and progress of Chinese culture and Chinese society.
  Second, multi-language and diversified publicity of programs. The “Silk Road Economic Belt” has a large audience and unique native languages. In order to reduce language differences and facilitate the audience to have a good media experience and expand the program’s audience, radio and television must first set up border Internet radio. Every day Broadcast audio and video programs to countries along the route, and set up Internet radio, Internet TV and Internet news in multiple languages. Kazakhstan, Kirgiz and other multi-language programs were launched to meet the needs of the people of the five Central Asian countries and Turkey, Russia and other countries to understand Chinese and Chinese culture, and to provide excellent information support for the construction of the economic belt. In program planning, based on the long history of interaction between Asia, West Asia, Europe, and Africa and China, an all-media service system should be established to provide economic, cultural, and educational platforms for people of all ethnic groups.   3. Summary
  To sum up,in order to realize the “Silk Road Economic Belt” brand integration with media shaping and integration and dissemination,it is necessary to create new radio and television programs around the cultural characteristics of countries along the Silk Road,and create cross-border communications for the audiences of countries along the Silk Road. Cultural programs,to ensure that audiences can listen to and watch unique radio and television programs,and to achieve online interaction with radio and television stations,while creating an excellent online communication platform for news cooperation of various countries,a complete broadcast all-media system should be established to better To serve the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.
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[摘要] 為探讨胃粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤的基因学诊断价值,通过1例少见的胃粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤并结合文献对其病理表现、临床特点及相关资料进行分析,可见基因学诊断是诊断胃粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤的较佳方法。  [关键词] 胃粘膜相关组织淋巴瘤; 病理表现; 免疫组化; 基因重排   [中图分类号] R735.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2009)13-121-02   
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[摘要] 目的 总结川渝片区石油企业2006~2008年接触职业危害因素的在岗职工的职业健康情况,分析当前职业健康检查存在的主要问题及解决措施。方法 按照职业健康检查规范中的周期及项目进行在岗职业健康检查。结果 川渝石油片区的主要职业病危害因素为噪声、粉尘、苯系物及硫化氢。2006~2008年共检查接触职业危害因素的在岗职工14452人,发现有169人1项或1项以上的异常结果,异常人数检出率为2.
[摘要] 目的 研究腹部手术后早期炎性肠梗阻患者采用生长抑素治疗的临床效果及其对血清炎症因子水平的影响。方法 临床纳入我院2013年4月~2015年6月期间收治的腹部手术后早期炎性肠梗阻患者120例,将其按床位单双号分为两组各60例。其中对照组采用常规治疗,观察组在上述基础上联合生长抑素治疗。观察两组患者治疗效果、血清炎症因子水平变化情况、症状恢复情况以及不良反应等。结果 观察组和对照组治疗总有效
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民国九年(1920年)二月初二这一天,是嘉善县干窑镇的龙庄讲寺的庙会日,善男信女们络绎不绝地涌进了寺庙,拜佛烧香,佛号不绝于耳。其中一个相貌诚朴的中年男人格外不同,他衣着整洁,礼数格外周到恭谨。他在各大殿礼佛完毕,又来到偏殿的一间禅房,禅房里一位老僧看见他后,立即稽首问好,看样子与客人非常熟悉。  这位老僧就是龙庄讲寺明性禅师,已经年过六旬。那位香客,却是一个日本人,名叫三田和一郞,是做中日贸易的
[摘要] Mov10 蛋白属于RNA 解旋酶超家族-1,是 RNA-诱导沉默复合体的组成成分之一。Mov10 蛋白在介导miRNA/siRNA基因沉默中有积极的作用,其确切机制尚不清楚。研究证实,Mov10 蛋白具有广泛和有效的抗逆转录病毒活性,能在多阶段抑制HIV-1复制,包括病毒产生、Gag 蛋白水解程序、逆转录过程;同时也可降低其他逆转录病毒如猿类免疫缺陷病毒、鼠白血病病毒和马传染性贫血病毒
[摘要] 目的 探讨曲美他嗪对缺血性心肌病患者左心功能及Q-T间期离散度的影响。 方法 将我院2011年1月~2013年12月诊治的68例缺血性心肌病患者随机分为对照组与曲美他嗪组,每组34例,对照组患者给予常规抗缺血性心肌病治疗,曲美他嗪组在常规治疗基础上加用曲美他嗪口服进行治疗,疗程6个月,分别观察两组患者的左心功能指标和Q-T离散度指标的变化,并进行比较分析。 结果 曲美他嗪组患者左室舒张末