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在十七世纪的欧洲哲学中,形而上学与爱是两个非常重要的概念。当时的形而上学与新的机械论科学有着异常紧密的联系,从而与传统的基督宗教的形而上学产生了尖锐冲突,而爱在当时哲学家所构想的情感理论中发挥了举足轻重的作用。但是十七世纪的哲学家,特别是理性主义哲学家却对爱进行了新的形而上学探讨,从而与传统神学式的爱的概念产生了冲突。因此,在十七世纪,一个决定性的问题就是,如何在关于情感的物理—生理学理论的框架内来解释传统基督教就爱的德性作用所持有的神学—形而上学信条。为了解决这个问题,笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎和马勒伯朗士纷纷做出了自己的努力。笛卡尔提出了一种以形而上学的物理学为基础的爱的理论,并以新的方式解释了上帝之爱。斯宾诺莎接受了笛卡尔对爱进行形而上学解释的倾向,但是却不接受其基督教神学的诸特征;而马勒伯朗士则强调了笛卡尔的爱的概念所蕴含的基督教—奥古斯丁主义的因素,而且他强调的程度甚至比笛卡尔本人还要高。本文要展现的正是这三种理论的主要因素。文末则简要考察了达默里斯·马萨姆女士在著作中对这种形而上学理论的最成熟版本(即马勒伯朗士的理论)所做的反思。马萨姆女士强调爱总是伴有欲望和善意,对上帝的爱和对受造物的爱不能严格区分,从而对上帝的爱或一般意义上的上帝本身不再占据突出地位,这种世俗化倾向对后世哲学产生了重要影响。 In the seventeenth century European philosophy, metaphysics and love are two very important concepts. The metaphysics of the time had an extremely close relationship with the new science of mechanics, which led to a sharp conflict with the metaphysics of the traditional Christian religion. Love played a decisive role in the emotional theory conceived by the philosophers at that time. However, in the seventeenth century, philosophers, especially rationalist philosophers, conducted a new metaphysical exploration of love and thus clashed with the concept of traditional theological love. Therefore, in the seventeenth century, a decisive question was how to explain the theological-metaphysical creed held by traditional Christianity regarding the virtuous role of love within the framework of the physical-physiological theory of emotion. In order to solve this problem, Descartes, Spinoza and Mabel Berlusconi have made their own efforts. Descartes put forward a theory of love based on metaphysical physics and explained the love of God in new ways. Spinoza accepted Descartes’ tendency to explain metaphysics of love, but did not accept the features of his Christian theology, and Mabel Berluscon highlighted the Christian-Augustinian Factor, and he emphasizes even more than Descartes himself. This article is to demonstrate the main factors of these three theories. At the end of the article, I briefly examine Mrs. Damalis Massam’s reflections on the most mature version of this metaphysical theory (ie, the theory of Mabel Berlusch). Ms. Massam emphasizes that love is always associated with desire and goodwill. The love of God and the love of creation can not be strictly distinguished, so that God’s love or the general sense of God no longer occupies a prominent position. This secularization Tendency has an important impact on later philosophy.
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