
来源 :铁道建筑技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:highlove
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南昆线七甸段的地基为泥炭土,面积大,深度超过l0m(最深处超过20m),在我国铁路建设史上尚未遇到过。担负施工任务的铁道部第十一工程局五处,在无此类施工经验可供借鉴的情况下,与科研设计单位密切配合,采用粉喷桩、砂袋桩和碎石桩等对地基进行加固处理,获得成功,经质检部门和有关专家验收评定,合格率达到100%,优良率达到85%,满足了各项技术指标要求,并为超深泥炭土地基处理提供了宝贵的经验和可靠的依据。 The foundation of the Qiantan section of the Nankun line is peat soil, with a large area and a depth of more than 10m (the deepest 20m), which has not been encountered in the history of railway construction in China. In the absence of such construction experience for reference, in coordination with scientific research and design institutes, the 11th Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, which is responsible for the construction tasks, will carry out the work on the foundations by using DJM, sand piles and gravel piles After the reinforcement and treatment, the quality inspection departments and relevant experts have received the acceptance assessment, the pass rate reached 100% and the excellent and good rate reached 85%, meeting the technical requirements and providing valuable experiences for ultra-deep peat soil foundation treatment. Reliable basis.
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最近看了两处用“美轮美奂”一词的句子: 1、随着兵视线的游移,那果园便出现在那里。那是两道多么奇异的景致呵,两道多么美轮美奂的景致。(《当代人》2000,7《果园》) 2、却