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辣椒炭疽病又叫辣椒重茬病,是辣椒的主要病害,分布普遍且为害严重。在高温高湿条件下,流行蔓延快,为害时间长,为害重,损失大。该病除为害辣椒外,还为害番茄、茄子等蔬菜作物。一、发病症状在苗床到移栽后均可发病,主要危害叶片和果实,特别是成熟的果实及老叶更易受害。1.叶片受害,叶缘边为水渍状褐色斑点,近圆形而中间为淡灰色,其上有轮生黑色小点,即病菌的分生孢子盘。 Pepper Anthracnose, also known as peppery crop disease, is the main peppers disease, widespread and serious damage. Under the condition of high temperature and high humidity, the spread of epidemic is fast, the damage takes a long time, the damage is heavy and the loss is big. In addition to the disease harmful peppers, but also harmful to tomatoes, eggplant and other vegetable crops. First, the incidence of symptoms in the seedbed to transplants can be disease, the main hazards leaves and fruits, especially ripe fruits and old leaves are more vulnerable. 1. Blade damage, leaf margin edge of the water-like brown spots, nearly circular and light gray in the middle, there are round black dots, that is, the bacteria conidia disk.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。文备“诗情主义”水墨艺术作品选 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile
金纳 1993年毕业于中央美术学院中国画系,现为清华大学美术学院讲师。2134⒈ 花系列之一⒉ 花系列之二⒊ 花系列之三⒋ 花系列之四金纳国画作品 Jinna graduated from the
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时间:2009年10月15日地点:大理州文联话题:大理美术的现状、问题及出路主持人:杨义龙(《大理文化》编辑)谈话人:秦伟(云南省美协理事、大理州第三届美协主席、版画家) Time:
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