
来源 :国外汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangfei871010
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由于汽车生产的迅速发展,目前已尖锐地提出了降低汽车技术保养和小修费用的问题。每年用在汽车技术保养和小修上的费用,一辆载重汽车平均是0.8千卢布;一辆小轿车平均是0.6千卢布;大客车是1.2千卢布。一辆新汽车在其折旧期内的技术保养和小修费用,将是汽车购置费用的4~6倍。由于对汽车可靠性的科研工作的开展及其在汽车生产中的实际应用,在提高汽车总成、部件和零件的可靠性和耐久性方面取得了显著成果。但是,即或在可靠性和耐久性具有高指标的情况下,也还有必要降低汽车的技术保养和小修费用,因为这里有很大的节约潜力。汽车技术保养和修理工作量,取决于很多因素,而首先取决于汽车对技术保养和小修的适应性。这种汽车结构的特性,叫作使用工艺性。 Due to the rapid development of automobile production, the issue of reducing the technical maintenance and minor repairs has been sharply put forward at present. The annual cost for maintenance and minor repairs of motor vehicles amounts to an average of 0.8 thousand rubles for a truck, an average of 0.6 thousand rubles for a car, and 1.2 thousand rubles for a coach. A new car in its depreciation period of technical maintenance and minor repair costs will be 4 to 6 times the cost of car purchase. Significant achievements have been made in improving the reliability and durability of automotive assemblies, components and parts due to the development of scientific research on automotive reliability and its practical application in automotive production. However, it is also necessary to reduce the technical maintenance and minor repairs of the vehicle, given the high level of reliability and durability, as there is great potential for saving. The amount of vehicle maintenance and repair work depends on many factors, first of all on the adaptability of the vehicle to technical maintenance and minor repairs. The characteristics of this car structure, known as the use of technology.
大型载重车:总重超过3.5吨,发动机功率在200马力以上; 中型载重车:总重超过3.5吨,发动机功率不超过200马力; 小型载重车:总重3.5吨以下,总长4.7米以下,总宽1.7米以下,总排量
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