
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingwenpeng
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2001年2月,云南省昭通市委、市政府把昭阳区田坝乡凉山村确定为昭通军分区的扶贫点后,军分区党委“一班人”先后5次到凉山村进行慰问、调查,为该村脱贫致富作出了积极努力。 凉山村平均海拔约2000米,总人口1006人,山多地少,人均收人294元,全村有11户贫困户,其余215户全部是特困 In February 2001, Zhaotong municipal party committee and municipal government of Yunnan Province identified Liangshan Village of Tianba Township in Zhaoyang District as the poverty alleviation point of the Zhaotong Military Sub-district. After that, “one group of people” of the military district party committees visited and comforted Liangshan Village five times in succession. The village made a positive effort to get rid of poverty and prosperity. The average elevation of Liangshan Village is about 2,000 meters, with a total population of 1006 people. The mountainous area is small with a per capita income of 294 yuan. There are 11 poverty-stricken households in the village, and the remaining 215 are all extremely poor
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段忠勇,一个身材瘦小,其貌不扬的普通民兵,凭着对畜牧兽医工作的热爱.默默无闻地为云南丘北县畜牧业生产做出了一桩桩,一件件实实在在的事,得到了群众的信任和喜爱。 Duan
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