Complications of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with congestive heart failure

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deathadam
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Background Previous clinical studies have suggested that patients with congestive heart failure and intraventricular conduction delay could benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Implantation of left ventricular lead is a complex procedure with some potential for complications. This study was conducted to analyse the complications of CRT in patients with congestive heart failure. Methods Totally 117 patients, 86 males and 31 females, mean age of 53 years, with congestive heart failure and intraventricular conduction delaywere enrolled in this study. Venography was performed on all patients. Different types of coronary sinus leads were used to pace the left ventricle. Results Left ventricular lead was attempted to implant through coronary sinus for all the 117 patients and was successfully implanted in 111 patients. The success rate was 94.9%. Main complications rate was 6.8%, including coronary sinus dissection in 4 patients, phrenic nerve stimulation required lead repositioning in 2 patients and lead dislodgement in 2 patients. Conclusions It is feasible and safe to pace left ventricle through coronary sinus. However, there are some procedural complications. Background Previous clinical studies have suggested that patients with congestive heart failure and intraventricular conduction delay could benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Implantation of left ventricular lead is a complex procedure with some potential for complications. This study was conducted to analyze the complications of CRT in patients with congestive heart failure. Methods Totally 117 patients, 86 males and 31 females, mean age of 53 years, with congestive heart failure and intraventricular conduction delaywere enrolled in this study. Leads were used to pace the left ventricle. Results Successive was was implanted in coronary sinus for all the 117 patients and was successfully implanted in 111 patients. The success rate was 94.9%. Main complications rate was 6.8%, including coronary sinus dissection in 4 patients, phrenic nerve stimulation required lead repos itioning in 2 patients and lead dislodgement in 2 patients. Conclusions It is feasible and safe to pace left ventricle through coronary sinus. However, there are some procedural complications.
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一九九七年二月十四日八届全国人大五次会议修订的《中华人民共和国刑法》第330 条,把供水单位因供应不符合国家卫生标准的饮用水而引起甲类传染病传播或者有传播严重危险的
在丹江口库区青塘河五龙池小流域,以黄棕壤横垄种植玉米为例,设置覆膜与无覆膜两种处理,采用田间小区实验研究覆膜与降雨类型对0~30 cm土壤水分和NO-3-N淋失的影响.结果表明: