认真履行复议职责 维护群众合法权益

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《吉林省行政复议条例》(以下简称条例)已经省十届人大常委会三次会议审议通过,于2003年7月1日实施。条例的出台和实施,将进一步促进全省各级行政复议机关贯彻落实行政复议法,认真履行复议职责,切实维护行政管理相对人的合法权益,保障各级行政机关依法行使职权,推进我省依法行政进程。一、行政复议是对人民群众实行行政救济的有效、方便途径行政复议制度是继行政诉讼制度、国家赔偿制度之后又一项重要的行政救济、监督制度。随着改革开放的不断深入,行政权力在人们的生产生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。由于行政权最终要由具体的行政机关和公务员来行使,他们受各种因素的影响,会发生一些违法或不当的行政行为,给公民或社会组织的权利造成损害。因此, “Jilin Province Administrative Reconsideration Ordinance” (hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance) has been examined and adopted by the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee on July 1, 2003. The promulgation and implementation of the Regulations will further promote the implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law by the administrative reconsideration organs at all levels in the province, conscientiously perform the duties of reconsideration, earnestly safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the relatives in administration, safeguard the executive authorities at all levels to exercise their powers in accordance with the law, Administrative process. I. Administrative Reconsideration Is an Effective and Convenient Approach to Implementing Administrative Relief to the People The system of administrative reconsideration is another important administrative remedy and supervision system after the system of administrative proceedings and the state compensation system. With the deepening of reform and opening up, administrative power plays an increasingly important role in people’s production and life. As the executive power is ultimately exercised by specific administrative organs and civil servants, they are affected by various factors and some illegal or improper administrative actions will occur, damaging the rights of citizens or social organizations. therefore,
1月1日起,《北京市公园条例》将正式实施,对过去爱怎么着就怎么着的“无赖”游客,公园条例中有了明确的制裁措施。 January 1, “Beijing Park Ordinance” will be the of
自治区第十届人大常委会公告(第4号)《自治区实施办法》,于2003年9月26日经自治区十届人大常委会第五次会议通过。现予公布。特此公告 The Tenth National People’s Congr
喜欢天空  喜欢天空  就那么三两朵  可有可无的云  如果长出多余的  我就用手轻轻抹去  剩下的  全是蓝  或者更蓝  声音  抡起  落下  抡起  落下  我看见  远远地看着  斧头砍在树上  声音  一直没有传来  和田  五百公里沙漠  之后,民丰、于田  之后,策勒  之后,洛浦  和田到了  十年前  那个卖玉的人  在哪儿?  鸟鸣  下午5时  我从便利店出来  听到几声鸟
山西省人民政府于3月12 日召开第二次常务会议,讨论通过 了《山西省实施办法》和《山 西省实施办法》,并决定将上述两 件法规草案提请省十届人大常委 Shanxi Provincial Peo