办起一个 巩固一个 提高一个——建立农村图书流通网点的作法

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<正> 我馆原是县文化馆的图书室,一九八○年经省批准单独建馆。原有藏书仅四万余册,工作人员九人(其中女同志七人),存在基础差、财力薄、管理人员文化低等困难。开馆后,我们用半年时间,建立了对内、对外两套规章制度。派员赴省馆学习分编知识一月,回馆后再将学到的知识传授给其他同志,在短短的几个月内就清理图书二万多册,整理了古籍线装书二千二百余册,开设了图书借阅处一个,报纸、杂志阅览室两个,儿童阅览专
In an attempt to synthesize hexagonal mesopo- rous titanium nitride, a mesolamellar composite based on titanium nitride and cetyltrimethylam- monium bromide (CT
In this experimental study, the laser light was split and bended using a specially designed glass lenses at the same time. This process has been done at the atm
Dicranostigma Leptopodum (Maxim) Fedde (DL- F), which had been previously documented to suppress oxidative hemolysis of erythrocytes and enhance immune function
Aiming at solving the problem that big differ-ence exists between logging permeability and true permeability of micro-fractured low-permeability sand reservoir,
<正> 每年都会有一部分老人,要办理离、退休手续,要从繁忙的工作中转到清闲的家中来。这些老人,曾经是或者仍然是社会主义的建设者。他们中有许多人,具有一定的专业知识和丰
Microscope observations of normal human ke- ratinocytes (NHK) propagated in a serum-free medium reveal a high frequency (>70%) of pentagonally-shaped colonies o
<正> 李兴辉,男,1914年生于北京,从事图书馆工作五十余年,积累了丰富的工作经验.1931年末,进入北京图书馆,曾在该馆主持图书编目、情报资料编目以及分类法、主题词表等各种文
It is shown that the gauge boson mass is natu-rally generated–without Higgs–in the pion beta decay using the scalar strong interaction had-ron theory. This ma