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近年来,如何发展我国的科技已成为广泛关注的焦点,这个问题又一次引起学术界的重视。特别是面对中国的崛起,西方一些人士心有不甘,一再宣扬中华民族缺乏创造性,论据就是近代自然科学没有在中国诞生。国内不少人受到这种思潮的影响,轻视我国传统文化。因此这个问题不只是学术沙龙中一个有趣的问题,它己关系到我们民族在科学技术事业中的自信心和发展战略,需要认真研究。本文根据当今科技发展趋势中的新问题,提出对此问题的新视角和新观点,供大家参考。朱清时院士认为:第一,近代自然科学没有在中国诞生这句话不全面,因为我们不应当用一个时期科学主流的特征来定义科学,实际上中国传统的医学和以算法为基础的数学也是现代科学的组成部分,并且正在成为现代科学新的重要发展方向。第二,如果把牛顿发表《自然哲学的数学原理》的1687年作为近代科学的诞生日,至今仅三百多年。在五千年的人类文明史中,它仅占十七分之一,与人类未来的漫长岁月相比,它更是短暂的一瞬。不能用在短期内的表现来论一种文化的优劣。世界的缤纷多彩表现在不同层次的多样性上。一是生物多样性,二是人类文化多样性。今天人类已经开始懂得生物多样性的重要性,但是文化多样性的重要性却仍未引起人们的重视。事实上中国传统文化是人类文化的一部分,它与其它种类的人类文化一样,既有长处也有短处。东西方文化有许多方面可以优势互补。人类社会和科学技术发展的最佳模式是包容多元文化,充分发挥各种文化的优点。第三,种种迹像表明,在人类社会的下一个发展阶段,中国传统文化的优点将再度辉煌。 In recent years, how to develop our country's science and technology has become the focus of widespread concern, which once again aroused academic attention. In the face of the rise of China in particular, some Western people have their hearts unwilling to repeatedly advocate the lack of creativity of the Chinese nation. The argument is that modern natural sciences were not born in China. Many people in China are influenced by this trend of thought and despise our traditional culture. Therefore, this issue is not only an interesting issue in the academic salon. It has a bearing on the self-confidence and development strategy of our nation in science and technology and needs careful study. Based on the new problems in the development of science and technology today, this article proposes new perspectives and new ideas on this issue for your reference. Academician Zhu Qingshi thinks: First, the statement that modern natural sciences were not born in China is not comprehensive because we should not define science in terms of the characteristics of a scientific mainstream in the past. Actually, traditional Chinese medicine and algorithm-based mathematics are also modern A part of science, and is becoming a new important development direction of modern science. Second, if Newton published 1687, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, as the birth day of modern science, it has only lasted for more than 300 years. It represents only one-seventh of the 5,000 years of history of human civilization and is a momentary moment compared to the long years of humankind's future. The strengths and weaknesses of a culture can not be expressed in the short run. The colorfulness of the world is manifested in the diversity of different levels. First, biodiversity, and second, diversity of human cultures. Today, humans have started to understand the importance of biodiversity, but the importance of cultural diversity has not yet drawn the attention of people. In fact, traditional Chinese culture is part of human culture. Like other kinds of human cultures, it has both strengths and weaknesses. There are many aspects of East-West culture that complement each other's strengths. The best model for the development of human society and science and technology is to embrace multiculturalism and give full play to the advantages of various cultures. Third, all the evidence shows that in the next stage of human development, the advantages of traditional Chinese culture will be magnified again.
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