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从古至今文人墨客对秋情有独钟,或描之画中,或谱之歌里,或叙之文内。而诗歌中写秋的句子更是不胜枚举。秋之景、之情、之韵味、之意境也大相径庭。“一年好景君需记,最是橙黄橘绿时”写的是大红大紫绚烂之秋,“秋丛绕舍似陶家,遍绕篱边日渐斜”写的是寂静闲适舒坦之秋,“秋逼暗虫通夕响,征衣未寄莫飞霜”写的是担忧征人寒冷之秋。而“晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄”写的是意气风发“胜春朝”之秋。秋之韵味或缠绵悱恻,或质朴细腻,或含蓄温婉,或豪迈奔放,各有千秋。郁达夫《故都的秋》展示了另一种境界,不缠绵、不断肠、不豪放,写秋之清、秋之静、秋 Literary men from ancient times have a soft spot for autumn sentiment, or draw the painting, or the song of the spectrum, or Syria within the text. In the poem, writing autumn sentences is too numerous to mention. Autumn scenery, feelings, charm, the mood is also very different. “A year of King Jun need to remember, the most orange and orange green ” is written in great red gorgeous autumn, “autumn plexus around Tao homes, around the edge of the ramp increasingly inclined ” is still quiet Comfortable autumn, “Autumn speed insects Tong Xi, Zheng Ji is not covered by the Feituo ” is worried about the cold autumn. And “Clear sky crane platoon cloud, then poetic love to Bi Xiao ” is written in high-spirited “Autumn Spring ” autumn. Fall charm or lingering, or simple and delicate, or subtle gentle, or bold and imaginative, each has its advantages. Yu Dafu “Autumn of the ancient capital” shows another realm, not lingering, continuous bowel, not bold, write autumn, autumn, autumn