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为了认识长期施肥对石灰性紫色水稻土培肥和肥力演化的作用,结合变性梯度凝胶电泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)和限制性酶切片段长度多态性(RFLP)技术,研究了稻麦轮作下农家肥(M)、氮肥+农家肥(NM)、氮磷肥+农家肥(NPM)、氮磷钾肥+农家肥(NPKM)、无肥(CK)、氮肥(N)、氮磷肥(NP)、氮磷钾肥(NPK)等不同施肥制度对石灰性紫色水稻土古菌群落结构的影响。研究结果表明,长期定位施肥明显影响土壤中的古菌组成。在长期施用氮肥+农家肥、氮磷肥和氮磷钾肥+农家肥处理的土壤中,古菌多样性指数低于农家肥、氮磷肥+农家肥、无肥、氮肥和氮磷钾肥处理。在DGGE图谱的基础上,分别选择种植水稻和小麦的氮磷钾肥处理土壤样品,对古菌克隆子的16SrDNA序列进行了系统发育分析,发现水稻土古菌与各种土壤及水体环境的古菌极其相似。对DGGE图谱的聚类分析发现,不管是种植水稻还是小麦,8种施肥处理的古菌都聚在3个群里。种植水稻时,M和NPK处理下的土壤古菌聚成第一个群,NP处理下的聚成第二个群,另外5种施肥处理(NPKM,NM,CK,N和NPM)聚成第三个群。种植小麦时,NPKM和M处理下的土壤古菌聚成一个群,NP处理下的聚成第二个群,N、NPK、NM、NPM和CK处理下的聚成第三个群。聚类分析结果显示,作物类型会影响土壤古菌群落结构。 In order to understand the effect of long-term fertilization on the fertility and fertility evolution of calcareous purple paddy soils, the effects of long-term fertilization on the fertility and fertility evolution of purple paddy soil were studied. The combination of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) Wheats for the next manure (M), nitrogen fertilizer + farmyard manure (NM), NPK, NPKM, CK, N, N and P NP) and NPK fertilizers on the archaeal communities in calcareous purple paddy soils. The results showed that long-term fertilization significantly affected the composition of archaea in the soil. In the long-term application of nitrogen fertilizer + farmyard manure, nitrogen and phosphorus and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and manure treatment of soil, the archaeal diversity index lower than the farmyard manure, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer + farmyard manure, no fertilizer, nitrogen and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer treatment. Based on the DGGE maps, the soil samples were selected for the treatment of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for rice and wheat respectively. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences of the archaeal clones showed that the archaea and various archaea of ​​the soil and water environment Very similar. The cluster analysis of DGGE maps found that the eight kinds of arbuscular mycorrhizal fertilization treatments clustered in three groups, no matter rice or wheat were planted. When planting rice, the archaeal archea under the treatments of M and NPK were clustered into the first group and the second group under the NP treatment. The other five fertilization treatments (NPKM, NM, CK, N and NPM) Three groups. In arborvitae, the soil archaea under NPKM and M were aggregated into a single colony under the NP treatment and the third group under the NP, NPK, NM, NPM and CK treatments. Cluster analysis showed that the type of crops affected the community structure of archaea in soil.
领导阶层与其用言语指示,不如用态度和行动宣示。哈洛德·吉尼恩国际电话电信公司前董事长兼执行长 It is better for the leadership to use their attitudes and actions
第四节轴向柱塞油泵和轴向柱塞油马达 一、特点轴向柱塞油泵—油马达的结构特点是柱塞运动方向与油泵—油马达轴的方向基本一致,即柱塞系沿轴向排列的。 Section IV Axial Pi