New Solution Method of Pi-Orbital Axis Vector and Its Applications in Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotube

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:love527351314
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A new solution method to perform the pi-orbital axis vector analysis was developed in this paper. The model of circular cone was built and the solution equations of the pyramidalization angle were obtained based on the model and the space analytic geometry. Our method merely requires the atomic coordinates of the conjugated central atom and the three attached atoms. Moreover, systematic calculations on the pyramidalization angles of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes were performed using the method we developed. The relationship of pyramidalization angle and the stability for the carbon cages and tubes was also discussed. A new solution method to perform the pi-orbital axis vector analysis was developed in this paper. The model of circular cone was built and the solution equations of the pyramidalization angles were obtained based on the model and the space analytic geometry. the atomic coordinates of the conjugated central atom and the three attached atoms. Moreover, systematic calculations on the pyramidalization angles of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes were performed using the method we developed. The relationship of pyramidalization angle and the stability for the carbon cages and tubes was also discussed.
<正> 系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是以体内出现多种自身抗体及多系统损害为特征的一种自身免疫性疾病。最近发现SLE的一组自身抗体——抗磷脂抗体(Anti—phospholipid Antibody,APA)
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