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1898年11月24日刘少奇出生于湖南省宁乡县炭子冲一个耕读世家。父亲刘寿生是自曾祖以来几代人中受教育最多的人。他虽以种田为业,却也识文断字,比较开明,主张小孩子读书学文化,因此,他的4个儿子都读过私塾。母亲鲁氏是典型的农村妇女,勤劳朴实,是操持家务的能手。刘少奇在叔伯兄弟中最小,排行第九,爱称“九满”。他八岁便被送进私塾读书,到十二岁时不仅粗知四书五经,而且还接触到不少的西方文化,乡里人都称他“刘九书柜”。刘少庭是刘少奇的二哥,在湖南新 November 24, 1898 Liu Shaoqi was born in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province. His father, Liu Shousheng, was the most educated person in several generations since his great-grandfather. Although he started farming as a proprietor, he also learned literary characters, more enlightened and advocated reading and learning of children’s culture. As a result, his four sons read private school. Mother Rushi is a typical rural woman, industrious and simple, is a master of household chores. Liu Shaoqi is the youngest brother in the uncle, ranked ninth, nicknamed “nine full”. When he was eight years old, he was sent to private school. By the age of twelve he not only made a rough study of the Four Books and Five Classics, but also exposed many western cultures. All the villagers called him Liuji Bookcase. Liu Shaoting Liu Shaoqi’s brother, new in Hunan
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