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東海縣文教科陳宗漢、張培欣,平明中心校沈陶,豐縣趙屯小學胡超等來信:七月十四日我們出席了江蘇省人民法院徐州分院對强姦殺害年幼女生的罪犯王鳳奎、許錫領的宣判大會覀兟犃送酢⒃S兩犯的罪行和各有關代表的控訴後,對兩犯的卑鄙惡劣行為深表痛恨。兩犯的罪惡行為嚴重的違反了國家盬o兒童的政策,嚴重的?α藘和纳硇慕】?並使人民教育事業蒙受了一定程度的損害。我們衷心擁護政府對兩犯的嚴正處理。兒童是祖國未來的建設者和保衛者,是人類的花朵。憲法草案中明文規定兒童受到國家的盬o,新中國的兒童是不容許摧殘迫害的。我們今天辛勤勞動的目的是要将祖國的幼苗培育成爲全面發展的人材,成為建設社會主義成員,這是全國人民的願望。 Dong Zongxian Education and Culture Section Chen Zonghan, Zhang Peixin, Pingming Central School Shen Tao, Feng County Zhao Tun Primary School Hu Chao, etc. Letter: July 14 We attended the Xuzhou Branch of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Court rape and kill young girls offenders Wang Fengkui, Xu Xiling After the two crimes committed by DH and the complaints of all the representatives concerned, they deeply hate the two criminals who committed bad faith. The criminal acts committed by the two guilty of crimes have seriously violated the policies of the children of the country, the serious ones, and the people’s education undertakings suffered a certain degree of damage. We sincerely support the government’s solemn handling of the two prisoners. Children are builders and defenders of the future of the motherland and are human flowers. The draft constitution expressly states that children are subject to the state’s laws. Children in New China are not allowed to persecute them. The purpose of our hard work today is to nurture the seedlings of the motherland into an all-round development and to become a socialist member. This is the aspiration of the people throughout the country.
在山东省临朐县辛寨公社黑洼大队,人们传颂着这样一个动人的故事:赤脚医生窦长敏和夏增美连续进行五百多次治疗,使瘫痪七年的贫农王明升重新站立起来了。 In the Blackwate