走出愚昧 第一篇

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普罗米修斯把圣火从天庭偷下,使人类见到光明;诺亚用一叶方舟把生灵渡到彼岸,教会他们耕作、牧猎,使人类开始走出原始和愚昧。也许,正像这些美丽的希腊神话所示:人类进化的每一个脚步都在竭力挣脱愚昧无知的束缚。从有巢氏构木为巢到摩天大厦直插云霄;从“孔明灯”离开地面到“探路者”飞船登陆火星;从大禹治水到大江截流;从钻木取火到“克隆”绵羊……人类在与天、与地、与自然抗争着,试图摆脱无知的枷锁,走出愚昧的沼泽。 Prometheus stole the sacred fire from the heavens and made man see the light. Noah used the ark to transport the creatures to the other shore, and taught them to cultivate, hunt, and hunt so that mankind would begin to walk out of primitive and foolishness. Maybe, as these beautiful Greek mythologies show: Every step of human evolution is struggling to break away from the shackles of ignorance and ignorance. From the nested wood for the nest to the skyscraper to the sky; from the “Kongming Lantern” to the ground, the “Pathfinder” spacecraft lands on Mars, from the Dagu River to the river closure, and from the logs to the “clone” sheep... ... The human race is fighting with heaven, earth, and nature, trying to get rid of the yoke of ignorance and walk out of the foolish swamp.
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