Stephen’s Anima Archetype Development in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

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  【关键词】阿尼玛 原型 史蒂芬 《一个青年艺术家的画像》
  【Abstract】Anima is the important archetype of Jung’s Collective Unconscious, and mainly refers to the archetypal female images existing within the men’s unconsciousness. The heroines as Stephen’s Anima in Unconscious in Joyce’s masterpiece A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man have great impact on Stephen’s psychological mature from ignorance.
  【Key words】Anima; Archetype; Stephen; A Portrait of the Artist Artist as a Young Man
  The novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is one of the masterpieces from Irish modern novelist James Joyce. He was born in Dublin in 1882, a son of a talented but feckless father who is casted on Stephen Dedalus’ father in the above novel. James Joyce was raised and educated in the Roman Catholic faith, but he broke with the church while in college.
  What he hopes for is exile from his motherland; even though his almost life-long exile, he writes only and always about Dublin: Dubliners(1914)is a collection of 15 short stories all set in Dublin, The Portrait(1916)a semiautobiographical work. The portrait tells a story of a boy named Stephen Dedalus, modeled after Joyce himself, growing up as an excellent student in Catholic environment and education, later on he confronted struggles with his family, morality, nationality and religion, but finally got his Epiphany and transformed from a devout religion follower to a new devotee to art and beauty as a young man at the end. Just as Joyce said as the following—
  “I will not serve that in which I no longer believe whether it calls itself home, my fatherland or my church: and I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using for my defense the only arms I allow myself to use, silence, exile, and cunning.”
  Both he himself and his character Stephen in The portrait achieved the tough but deserved magnificent transforms, and became the fanatical artist as a true man!
  According to Collective Unconscious and Archetypes Theory from Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, the main content of collective unconscious is the Archetypes, and Archetypal Images are used to describe its Archetype presented in the form of consciousness, through Archetypal Image people can better understand the existence of the Archetype and its significance. There are several main Archetypal Images in Jungian Analytical psychology, including Persona, Anima, Animus, Shadow and Individualism. Anima refers to the archetypal images of psychological qualities of females inside a male’s unconscious world. and on the other, Animus refers to the archetypal images of psychological qualities of males inside a female’s unconscious world.   Jung uses Anima to describe the archetypal female images existing within the men’s unconsciousness. She is the archetypal female images inside a man, and also the personal complex of a man to the females. The Latin word “Anima” means soul, that is the collective unconscious of female images in men’s deep soul through ages of accumulation, therefore, Anima often plays a special role in men’s mood, reaction, impulse and any spontaneous mental changes. And men also have a tendency to a woman in reality, seeing their own inner Anima and soul projection.
  The development of Anima is generally divided into four stages by Jung, and the different stage has the different image: Eve — Helen — Maria — Sophia. Anima first as Eve, often shown in Oedipus complex within males in their early ages; Helen is more for sex object. Maria is the performance of divine love. Sophia is like Muse who can create men’s inner source for power, even wisdom. And in The Portrait we can witness that Stephen experiences this Anima development as follows:
  For Eve stage, the mother is projected as the first Anima Archetype. His first and earliest female leader to this world is the mother, and the mother is also the first opposite sex that Stephen gets to know. His dependence on mother both physically and mentally shows his attachment to the mother and obvious Oedipus complex.
  For Helen stage, there are three female images: Eileen is his childhood playmate, his first female friend at a similar age. Stephen acquires the initial awareness of appearance and gesture from the opposite sex, understanding fundamental difference between males and females. Gradually, the young Stephen has a strange passion or impulse on the heroin Mercedes of the Count of Monte Cristo, even though she is completely unreal, clearly indicates Stephen’s desire in adolescent for women. But after sometime struggles with desire, he finally couldn’t bear the temptation when lingering on the dark street in Dublin, where he releases and liberates his impulse for sex with a prostitute. Three female images, Eileen as the character target of his sexual impulse, Mercedes of his sexual fantasy, and the prostitute of sexual satisfaction, are all Helen Anima archetypal images during his adolescence.
  For Maria stage, it is the obscure but impressive character Emma. Stephen’s love and passion for Emma is pure and divine with a kind of sanctity, he doesn’t dare to hug and kiss her on the tram. And his fantasy for Emma often appears with Blessed Virgin Mary coming to put his hand together with Emma’s, wishing them sweet love and happiness.
  For Sophia stage, it is the paddle girl. She just appears one time beside the water dabbling, it is the paddle girl as the wise Sophia Anima image who stimulates his epiphany and creates his inner energy. And at last he decides to be an exile from the religion but become a real artist of art and beauty without hesitation.
  [6]Wu Weiren.History and Anthology of English Literature,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004.
【摘要】作为中国古典小说的巅峰之作,《红楼梦》具有极大思想性和高度艺术性。其英译对传播中国文化具有深远影响。本文对杨宪益与霍克斯《红楼梦》英译译本从达旨和细节方面进行分析。  【关键词】杨宪益 霍克斯 《红楼梦》 英译本  “达旨”是中国著名翻译家严复在《天演论·译例言》中提出的,是对于翻译三字诀“信达雅”中“信”的诠释。严复说道:“译文取明深义,故词句之间,时有所慎到附益,不斤斤与字比句次,而意
【摘要】翻译作为一门技能性较强学科,不应忽视实践的作用。而翻译实践后赏析对比参考译文,是借鉴他人优点,消化所学技能,理论的最佳捷径。本文从对比赏析参考译文的角度出发,探讨其对笔译学习者能力提高的重要作用。本文所指的对比为笔译学习者的译文与参考译文的对比。  【关键词】笔译 英语 对比 赏析  一、引言  笔者在多年的翻译教学中逐渐体会到一味的追求理论的和翻译技巧的精通,不能解决翻译实践中实际问题。