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现在流行着一种说法:对党的改革政策要用足、用好、用活。这首先是从沿海经济特区提出来的。意思是对党所确定的给予特区的优惠政策,要不折不扣地贯彻执行,要充分发挥这种优惠政策的威力,还要根据实际情况,在不离原则的前提下,灵活适用,以争取各项改革事业的最大经济效益。我想,这“用足、用好、用活”六个字,是不是也可以适用于新闻改革。最近,中央下发的《新闻改革座谈交会纪要》,是十一届三中全会以来有关新闻改革的第一个规范性的章程,是新闻界久已盼望出台的权威性的政策性文件。中共中央办公厅在转发通知中说,此件已经中央同意,望遵照执行。我想,既要遵照执行,就有一个用足、用好、用活的问题,也就是怎么运用的问题。 There is a popular saying that we should make full use of our Party’s reform policies and make good use of them. This is first of all proposed from the coastal special economic zones. This means that the preferential policies given to the SAR by the party should be implemented faithfully and fully and exert the full power of such preferential policies. On the premise of principle, we should flexibly apply the preferential policies to strive for The greatest economic benefits of various reforms. I think this is “full, good use, with live,” the word is not also applicable to the news reform. Recently, the “Minutes of the Forum on News Reforms and Meetings and Delivers” promulgated by the Central Government is the first normative charter on press reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Government and is an authoritative and policy document long hoped for by the press. The CPC Central Committee General Office said in a forwarding notice that this piece of material has been agreed by the Central Government and is expected to be implemented in compliance with the requirements. I think it is necessary to follow the implementation, there is a full, good use, living problems, that is, how to use the problem.
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