White light emission of Eu~(3+)/Ag co-doped Y_2Si_2O_7

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyushan10601
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The Eu3+/Ag co-doped rare earth disilicate Y2Si2O7 microcrystal was synthesized by sol-gel method. Through controlling the thermal treatment process of Y2Si2O7:Eu3+/Ag precursor, various phases(amorphous, α, β, γ, δ) were prepared. White light emission was observed under UV light excitation in the samples heavily doped with Ag. The white light was realized by combining the intense red emission of Eu3+, the green emission attributed to the very small molecule-like, non-plasmonic Ag particles(ML-Ag-particles), and the blue emission due to Ag ions. Results demonstrated that Eu3+/Ag co-doped Y2Si2O7 microcrystal could be potentially applied as white light emission phosphors for UV LED chips. The Eu3 + / Ag co-doped rare earth disilicate Y2Si2O7 microcrystal was synthesized by sol-gel method. Through controlling the thermal treatment process of Y2Si2O7: Eu3 + / Ag precursor, various phases (amorphous, alpha, beta, gamma, delta) were prepared. White light emission was observed under UV light excitation in the samples heavily doped with Ag. The white light was realized by combining the intense red emission of Eu3 +, the green emission attributed to the very small molecule-like, non-plasmonic Ag particles (ML -Ag-particles, and the blue emission due to Ag ions. The results show that Eu3 + / Ag co-doped Y2Si2O7 microcrystal could be potentially applied as white light emission phosphors for UV LED chips.
正是春光烂漫时,当我们回首中国国家高新区和科技园区20多年的建设,心生感慨。  我们看到,伴随着高新园区的发展,我们的祖国正向自主创新的方向大步迈进。截至2010年,国家高新区营业总收入达到105917.3亿元,创造了全国11.5%的工业增加值、8%的国内生产总值和16.8%的出口创汇,成为带动区域经济发展的强大引擎。  回忆往昔,峥嵘岁月稠。1988年5月,在中关村电子一条街的基础上,国务院批准