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科特迪瓦共和国,原名象牙海岸共和国,位于非洲西部。多样化发展的农业:农业是科特迪瓦国民经济的主要支柱。农产品出口占出口总收入的60%。全国80%的劳动力从事农业生产。咖啡和可可是科特迪瓦的两大农作物和重要出口商品。由于缺乏农业技术投入和必要的农机具,粮食不能 The Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, formerly known as the Ivory Coast Republic, is located in western Africa. Diversified agriculture: Agriculture is the mainstay of the national economy in Côte d’Ivoire. Agricultural exports account for 60% of total export revenue. Eighty percent of the country’s workforce is engaged in agricultural production. Coffee and cocoa are two of Cote d’Ivoire’s main crops and important exports. Food can not because of lack of investment in agricultural technology and necessary agricultural machinery
Based on almost all available published age data, the protolith ages, peak metamorphic ages and cooling rate of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt have been discuss
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Coal samples from Qinshui Basin, Shanxi, China are experimentally deformed at temperatures and confining pressures of 200 - 500℃and 200 - 500 Mpa, strain rate
Studying the metallogenic age of Dapinggou gold deposit may provide important material not only for the study of metallization and the further prospecting of go
A portable 3-component broadband digital seismic array was deployed across the Tianshan orogenic belt (TOB) to investigate the lithospheric structure. Based on
今年是粮食流通体制改革的第三年 ,也是党中央、国务院决定对粮食生产结构进行战略性调整的第一年 ,近一年来 ,新疆工商部门在继续管住、管好粮食收购市场的同时 ,认真贯彻落