U.S.ECONOMY REBOUND EXPECTED LATE THIS YEAR----An outlook of US economic slowdown

来源 :中国远洋航务公告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hutao95
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As an old Chinese saying goes, there is not any ever-lasting banquet under heavens, we could not anticipate an ever-booming U. S. economy. After longtime of robust development, the world’s largest economic power, the United States is now suffering from a severe economic slowdown. The gross domestic product(GDP) of the United States contributes almost one-third of the total GDP value of the whole world, the U. S. economic slowdown will drag the growth pace of the world’s economy this year. It is not exaggerated to say that “When Uncle Sam catches cold, the As an old Chinese saying goes, there is not any ever-lasting banquet under heavens, we could not anticipate an ever-booming US economy. After longtime of robust development, the world’s largest economic power, the United States is now suffering from a severe The gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States contributes almost one-third of the total GDP value of the whole world, the US economic slowdown will drag the growth pace of the world’s economy this year. It is not exaggerated to say that ”When Uncle Sam catches cold, the
据美国 Physics Today 1996年4月号报道,德国达姆施塔特的重离子研究实验室的霍夫曼(S.Hofmaan)等人用~(20)Zn 轰击~(208)Pb 靶,通过中子释放,得到单原子产物~(277)112,半衰
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日前,一种利用太阳能转化电能,用光谱诱杀害虫的新型节能环保农用产品,正在江西省万年县试行推广,为“绿色食品”的发展开拓了广阔的前景。 Recently, a new type of energy