
来源 :福建医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AdamMYS
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目的 探讨胎儿鼻软骨、鼻肌及鼻皮肤发育规律 ,为鼻的胚胎发育及年龄解剖学提供资料。 方法 对 39例 3~ 10月龄的胎儿游离软骨性外鼻标本 ,采用石蜡包埋切片 ,HE染色光镜观测。 结果  (1)软骨细胞的大小随胎龄增长而增大 ,其密度随胎龄增长而减小 ,两者在 7~ 8月龄变化明显。(2 )鼻肌 4个月出现横纹 ,6个月横纹明显 ,大多数胞核位于肌膜下。(3)鼻皮肤表皮的角化、表皮嵴的发育及附属器的出现均有恒定的时间。 结论 (1) 7~ 8月龄是胎儿鼻软骨发育重要 (旺盛 )时期。 (2 )鼻皮肤的成熟程度与胎龄间有严格的对应关系 Objective To investigate the developmental rules of fetal nasal cartilage, nasal muscle and nasal skin and to provide information on nasal embryo development and age anatomy. Methods Fetal free cartilaginous nasal specimens from 39 cases of 3 to 10 months old were collected and paraffin embedded sections were used for observation. Results (1) The size of chondrocytes increased with the increase of gestational age, and the density of chondrocytes decreased with the increase of gestational age. Both of them varied significantly from 7 to 8 months old. (2) There were horizontal stripes in the nasal muscle for 4 months and obvious stripes in 6 months. Most nuclei were located under the sarcolemma. (3) Nasal skin epidermis keratosis, the development of epidermal ridges and appendages have a constant time. Conclusion (1) 7 ~ 8 months of age is an important fetal nasal cartilage development (exuberant) period. (2) the degree of maturity of the nasal skin and gestational age have a strict correspondence between
我院于 1997年对洛钢集团公司和洛阳特型钢厂的职工进行了高血压普查 ,对查出的高血压患者进行统一管理 ,统一治疗 ,以降低脑卒中和冠心病的发生。现将 50 2 8名职工的高血压
诊断临床寄生虫学在澳大利亚昆士兰技术大学是检验专业和微生物、生物化学专业的必修课程 ,其重点是人体寄生生物的诊断技术。为了让学生更方便的获取教学资料 ,该校的临床寄
目的 了解Ⅰ型前胶原基因反义寡聚核苷酸对人增生性瘢痕的作用 ,探讨增生性瘢痕的基因治疗。 方法 选择 12 0只裸鼠建立增生性瘢痕动物模型 ,将模型随机分为空白对照组(C
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菲康公司的CMS 80 0 0中央监护仪产能同时接收处理八床床旁监护仪的信息 ,显示各床的生命信号和 2 / 8小时趋势 ,进行记录。下面就维修中遇到的一例故障与大家探讨。故障现象 :
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