The Application of the Communicative Approach in the Teaching and Learning of English Language

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  【Abstract】As a teaching method,communicative approach is used more and more in English classroom teaching.It is proved that communicative approach is a useful and practical teaching method in English classroom.Not only can it improve students’ability of communication,but also it trains each of the students’ language skills.
  【Key words】communicativeapproach
  As a teaching method,communicative approach is used more and more in English classroom teaching.Compared with the traditional method of teaching and learning,which concentrates on useful and necessary language rather than language form.It places more importance on the students being fluent than being absolutely correct.It encourages the students to take part actively rather than just listening to or following the teacher.It is proved that communicative approach is a useful,practical and effective method in English class.In the following,I’ll talk about the two important skills taught in communicative approach in English class .
  1.Listening is a basis and a part of communicative activity.
  1.1 The importance of the listening teaching.
  “It is a principle that listening should come before speaking.It is impossible to expect a student to produce a sound which does not exist in his mother tongue,or to produce a natural sentence using the stress,rhythm and intonation of a native speaker of the foreign language,without first of all providing him with a model of what he is to produce.”These words indicate that as one of the four teaching skills,listening is essential and the first stage of language development.
  1.2 The problems and solution in listening teaching.
  However,in the past of English language teaching and learning,people paid little attention to the listening practice.Teachers’ old teaching methods led to students’ poor listening comprehension.Fortunately,in order to meet with the need of communication ,people changed their opinions about the method of listening.They put the listening practice in the first place in English language teaching.But we all know,it is very hard for students to get a better listening comprehension.Because it needs much more time and practice.How can the students improve their ability of listening?
  “If a student has a bad pronunciation he will surely have difficulty in understanding a native speaker. ‘It shows pronunciation involves in listening comprehension and it demands that in the process of listening training,teacher and student should do the following:
  On one hand,when listening to the tape of records,students should pay their attention to the speaker’s linguistic form,find and correct their own mistakes in speech sounds and intonation,also they should imitate the correct sounds, stresses and intonations from the speakers.
  On the other hand,in English teaching classroom,teachers must be strict with themselves.They should speak in English when teaching,read text in normal speed of speech.
  2.Speaking is the most important part and main task of communicative activity
  2.1 How to practice speaking
  In communicative activity,speaking is an indispensable element.Compared with the other three skills ,speaking has its own characteristics.So how to sharp students’ ability to speak also has its special ways.
  However,a student may be good at listening and understanding,but it doesn’t mean that he can speak well.Some students have a good understanding of the language,but they have no ability to use it in the social situation.In order to develop students’ speaking competence,the teachers must prepare the actual communication with others for the students,because speech is really about communication and the teachers must develop these skills of the learners.
  The idea of communicative approach has been raises by many linguists for a long time.Lots of facts prove that this approach is practical and useful in English teaching,especially in middle school today.In a word,“Teaching is of communication,by communication and for communication.”
  [1]C.J.Brimful and K.Johnson,1998,The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching.
  [2]Jeremy Harmer,1980,How to Teach English Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  [4]马寅初,黄金岩编著A Practical Guide to English Teaching Methodology[M].湖南师范大学出版社,1999.
  [5]王佐良,丁往道.Introduction to English Stylistics[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1987.
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