
来源 :长江文化论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michaelbing
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明代能够保留到今天的遗迹,主要是“皇宫”和“陵墓”两类遗存,因此它也就成为明代的重要文化标志。虽然这两类遗存为帝王所拥有,但它的实际创造者则主要是当时的劳苦大众,因此,对这两类遗存的研究既包含着对明代社会结构、国家体制、礼制、帝王生活方式和有关生死存亡的理念、帝王角色或阶层的人格及其阶级本质、帝王家族制度以及国力盛衰等等的历史场景与历史过程的揭示、阐释,同时也包含着对这一历史时期的建筑工艺、民族文化创造力和表现力、地域文化标志、文化辐射力、工程技术水平等丰富遗产的展现和欣赏。为此,对明帝王陵研究一直受到史学界的高度关注。本文试图通过对明代帝王陵建筑制度的研究来揭示其意义。 The remains of the Ming Dynasty can be relics of today, mainly two kinds of relics such as “Imperial Palace” and “Mausoleum”, so it has also become an important cultural symbol of the Ming Dynasty. Although these two types of relics were owned by the emperor, their actual creators were mainly the working-hard people at that time. Therefore, the research on these two types of relics contained not only the social structure, state system, etiquette, imperial life style And the concept of life and death, the imperial character or class personality and class nature, the imperial family system and the prosperity and decline of national history and historical scenes and historical process of the revelation, interpretation, but also includes the construction of this historic period, the nation Cultural creativity and expressiveness, geographical and cultural symbols, cultural radiation, engineering and other rich heritage display and appreciation. For this reason, the research on the imperial tombs has always been highly concerned by historians. This article attempts to reveal the significance of the imperial tomb building system in the Ming Dynasty.
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