做好家访工作 增强教育效果

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新学期开学,我接受了四(3)班班主任的工作,望着五十多双求知的目光,我感到肩上的担子很重。现在的独生子女,除了学习之外,在想些什么?干些什么?他们的家长对老师的要求是什么?如何根据学生的不同特点,运用家庭教育的合力来进行教育呢?班主任的职责告诉我:家访,到学生们中间去,到学生家里去。小何长得挺神气,但是没有好的学习习惯,与同学关系也处得不好。家访中,我看到他家中陈设豪华,还专门为他设了一间练琴房,家长一心希望孩子将来能成为“钢琴家”,对他的的练琴抓得很紧,而学习则问得很少。家访中,我向家长指出:希望他帮孩子摆正学习与练琴的关系,即练好琴,更要把学习搞好。针对他与同学关系紧张的问题,我提议举行一个“家庭钢琴演奏会”,请来班上也在学弹钢琴的几 After the semester of the new semester, I accepted the work of four (3) class supervisors and looked at the eyes of more than 50 pairs of students. I felt the heavy burden on my shoulders. What are the requirements of their parents for teachers? What is the basis for using different kinds of students to apply the education of family education? The teacher's responsibility tells us Me: home visits, go to the middle of the students, go to the student home. Little Ho looks pretty, but there is no good learning habits, and classmates are not doing well. During my family visit, I saw the luxurious furnishings in his home and also set up a practice room for him. Parents hoped that their children could become “pianists” in the future. Few. At the home visit, I pointed out to my parents: I hope he helps children to study and practice their piano properly, that is to say, to practice the piano well, and to study well. In view of the tension between him and his classmates, I propose to hold a “Family Piano Recital”. Please come to classes and learn how to play the piano.
【作文典题】儿时的梦想,你还记得吗?长大后,梦想会实现吗?今天的你还会做梦吗?是经历了太多的风雨,还是不再拥有梦想?在成长的过程中,你是否明白,什么才是真 【Analyzing】
未经训练的人很少能够根据严密的思维做出正确的判断。即使是训练有素的科学家 ,也未必都能坚持理性的原则。伪科学的宣扬者正是利用了人们思维的误区 ,而大行其道。使用科学
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