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长三角区域经济的高速发展,商务活动的日渐频繁以及龙头城市上海作为金融、商贸、经济、航运四个中心的逐步建成,将给民营经济的发展特别是民营经济的多元化经营、跨行业经营带来极好的市场机遇。同时,民营经济本身因其灵活的决策机制和较强的市场适应性,从而成为长三角地区经济结构调整、产业整合和企业重组的重要参与力量。各级政府和有关团体应充分认识和发挥民营经济在长三角经济发展中的活力及推动力,进一步探索和利用长三角地区产业整合给民营经济发展带来的新机遇。 The rapid economic development in the Yangtze River Delta, increasing commercial activities and the gradual completion of the leading city of Shanghai as the four centers of finance, commerce and trade, economy and shipping will give more impetus to the development of the private economy, in particular the diversification of the private economy and the cross-sectoral operation Brings excellent market opportunities. At the same time, the private economy itself has become an important participating force in economic restructuring, industrial consolidation and corporate restructuring in the Yangtze River Delta because of its flexible decision-making mechanism and strong market adaptability. Governments at various levels and relevant organizations should fully understand and bring into full play the vitality and driving forces of the private economy in the economic development in the Yangtze River Delta, and further explore and make use of the new opportunities brought by the industrial consolidation in the Yangtze River Delta for the development of private economy.
一天,小灰羊和小白羊同时从独木桥的两头过桥,到对面去办事。当他们走到桥的中间时,碰上了。小白羊说:“我先上的桥,我要过去找小马玩,应该我先过。” One day, a small gra
我和钱俊杰是同桌。因为他看起来愣愣的,就像是个呆子,尤其是看书的时候,那一脸痴痴的样子,一看就挺傻,所以人送外号“呆子”。 Me and jianjunjie is the same table. Beca
同志们: 刚才赵书记就如何加快发展我区乡镇企业的问题,讲得很好、很全面,请同志们回去后结合自己的实际,认真贯彻落实。这里我就两个方面补充一些意见: Comrades: Just no
合营前的思考狮子的力气大,而野驴跑得快,因此,狮子和野驴便商定一起合作狩猎。一日,它们合作捕获一头野猪,狮子将猎物分为三等份,转头对野驴说:“因为我是万兽之 Before t
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