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氯乙烯(VC)是亲肝性毒物,肯定的人类致癌物。为加强劳动保护和探讨VC对肝脏损伤的早期敏感的诊断指标,本文对78例VC生产工人的8项血清蛋白的含量进行了5年前瞻性观察,结果显示:结合珠蛋白(HP),低密度脂蛋白(LDL),免疫复合物(CIC),补体C3和C4的均值呈逐年增高;转铁蛋白(TRF)的均值呈逐年减低,上述指标第五年与第一年相比均有高度显著性意义,且这种变化与职工工龄增加有一定的规律性,存在明显的时间──反应关系,在反应VC对肝脏的早期损害方面具有一定的意义。P<0.01表3血清蛋白组分各项指标异常率比较注:1993、1991年与1989年相比*p<0.05,p<0.013.3肝功与HBV5项血清学指标(除抗HBS阳性人数在注射乙肝疫苗后逐年增加外)前后均差异不大。4讨论4.1结果可见,随接触VC时间的增加,TRF呈逐年明显降低。TRF在肝脏中合成,由于VC毒性代谢产物可能作用于肝细胞内质网,使之扩张并发生线粒体肿胀、畸形[1],可以导致肝细胞合成蛋白质功能受损,而使TRF呈逐年降低。TRF在反映肝脏的早期损害方面是一个比较敏感的指标。4.2文中补体C3,C4和LDL呈逐年增高。在正常人血清中C3,? Vinyl chloride (VC) is a hepatotropic toxic, positive human carcinogen. In order to strengthen the labor protection and explore the VC early diagnosis of liver damage diagnostic indicators, the 78 cases of VC workers in the production of eight serum protein 5-year prospective observation, the results showed that: the combination of globin (HP), low The mean values ​​of LDL, CIC, C3 and C4 were increased year by year. The average value of transferrin (TRF) decreased year by year. The above indexes were all higher than those in the first year Significant significance, and this change with the increase of working age workers have a certain regularity, there is a clear time-response relationship, in response to early damage to the VC has a certain significance. P <0.01 Table 3 serum protein components of the indicators of abnormal rate comparison Note: 1993,1991 compared with 1989 * p <0.05, p <0.013.3 liver function and HBV 5 serological indicators (Except that the number of anti-HBS positive patients increased year by year after the injection of hepatitis B vaccine) were not significantly different before and after. 4 Discussion 4.1 The results show that with the increase of exposure to VC time, TRF was significantly decreased year by year. TRF is synthesized in the liver. As the toxic metabolites of VC may act on the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes to cause expansion and mitochondrial swelling and deformity [1], the function of protein synthesis in liver cells may be impaired and the TRF decreases year by year. TRF is a more sensitive indicator of early damage in the liver. 4.2 text complement C3, C4 and LDL increased year by year. In normal human serum C3 ,?
Ultrafine apatite fibers were prepared by electrospinning of sol-gel precursor/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)(PVP) solutions followed by subsequent calcination. The as